Ami and Kurama's Love

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Yu Yu Hakusho: Ghost Files Love Story – Beauty of a Rose (by Tayla Drago)

Chapter 16

'Moment time for Kurama and Ami together...'

Nice way for everyone else to be enjoying their time relaxing a little without any troubles so far, right? Yeah! And how was Ami doing? Well, she ran the brush threw your hair one more time before glancing into the mirror to make sure that she looked okay. Ami then nodded her head in approval at she appearance as Ami heard a knock on the front door.

"Coming!" Ami yelled before rushing out of her room to the front door of the temple. She opens the door and smiles. "Morning, Kurama."

Kurama smiled. "Good morning, Ami. Are you ready to go?"

"Yep." Ami slips her shoes on that were resting at the front door. She glanced over her shoulder. "I'm going now, Grandmother!" Ami heard a muffled reply from her. She turns back to Kurama. "Let's go." Ami shuts the door behind her as Ami and Kurama walked away from the temple. "Do you think this will go alright?"

Kurama gently took Ami's hand in his and intertwined her fingers together. "Ami, you shouldn't be nervous. Everything will go fine."

"What if she doesn't like me?"

Kurama chuckled lightly. "Ami, I keep telling you, she'll love you. There's no need for you to worry so much. Your kind, loving, funny and everything else I could possibly want from a girl. My mother will happy accept you so don't worry."

"Thanks, Kurama." Ami and Kurama walked the rest of the way to his house in peaceful silence just enjoying each other's company. Soon Ami both came to a simple yet beautiful white house. Rose's bushes ironically stood around the perimeter of the house. "Oh, so this is where you get your rose supply." Teased Ami.

"Mother loves flowers and the garden does supply me with the plants I need." Kurama answered with a smile. "Are you ready to go in, Ami?"

She takes a deep breath. "As ready as I'll ever be."

Kurama gave her hand a squeeze before grabbing the doorknob with his other hand. "Here we go then." Kurama turned the knob and pushed the door open. "Mother, are you home?"

"I'm in the kitchen, Shuichi!" A kindly voice called from inside the house. Kurama gently pulled Ami into the house and shut the door behind her. Ami both slipped her shoes off before entering the kitchen. Ami then sees a woman with black hair, which looked dark blue in the light, standing over the oven. She turned around as she heard her both enter the room. She smiled and wiped her hands off on a dish towel that rested on the kitchen counter. "Hello, Shuichi." She looked over at Ami. "Hello, my dear."

Ami bows her head. "It's nice to meet you, Ms. Minamino."

Ms. Minamino giggled softly. "Shuichi, who is this sweet girl?"

Kurama smiled bringing Ami further into the kitchen. "Mother, this is Ami Sakkara, she goes to school with me, and..." Kurama's cheeks turned a little red, "she's also my girlfriend."

Ms. Minamino smile grew even more. "Really? Shuichi, you should have told me sooner." Ami froze thinking that she didn't like you. "So, I could get to know this beauty girl that stole my son's heart." Ami almost sighed in relief.

"I'm sorry, Mother, but we wanted to get to know each other better before I introduced her to you."

Ms. Minamino grabs Ami's free hand and holds it close. "You'll stay for lunch won't you, dear?"

"I wouldn't want to inconvenience you."

"You're not inconveniencing us at all. Right, Shuichi?"

Kurama smiled at his mother excitement. "Oh, course Mother. I want to spend time with my girls."

Yu Yu Hakusho: Ghost Files Love Story - Beauty of a RoseWhere stories live. Discover now