A New and Old Spirit Detective Fight

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Yu Yu Hakusho: Ghost Files Love Story – Beauty of a Rose (by Tayla Drago)

Chapter 28

'Setting up the Battlefield...'

Well, this will be a while before Kayko, Shizuru, and Puu can catch up to the others...As Botan, Genkai, Yana, and Kaito all waited, hope, and prayed for Yusuke's team to win and to save the world too because of that Sensui guy...he is so mess up! You guys know what I mean? With Yusuke, Ami, Kurama, Hiei, Kiyoshi, and Iki now must deal with Itsuki and Sensui who were the last two to be defeated 'and to save Kuwabara too', to close the tunnel for good after that.

"Ha!" Iki was jumping around with joy. "One on our side, two defeated, Ethan finished with Gourmet, one dead to be sad end on Ama's end, and two more to go! We got you two now, Sensui and Itsuki. Or rather Black Angel and Gatekeeper dudes. We got you on the run now, baby!"

With Iki jumping around some more to have fun, Hiei tells him to stop after that.

"Are you quite done yet?"

Iki started to calm down a bit to be done now so Iki wouldn't get on Hiei's bad side too much.

"All done now. Sorry..." he said.

With Sensui telling Itsuki to summon a demon friend of his to come from the walls being some type of shadow...the other six needed to be careful in this next fight of theirs.

"Only two lefts for us to defeat." Kurama tells the others that. "Let's all be on our feet."

"I'll help you guys out in any way I can." Kiyoshi said. "I'll try my best to..."

"Right, Kurama, we will all right." With Ami agreeing, it was time to get Kuwabara back first.

Yusuke demanded Kuwabara back because Kurama had beaten Toguro.

"Okay, Sensui, one way or another, you're going down. Or me kicking my foot straight to your face! Now give us back Kuwabara like you promise us you would if we defeated Gourmet-! Or rather the late Toguro."

"You heard the man, Sensui!" Ami said to him too.

However, Sensui said that he already did.

"As promised, I'll give him back to you guys. Well, he's no longer in my position right now..."

What did Sensui mean by that...? They looked and saw the boat Kuwabara was once one was now empty.

"Ah!!!" Iki panicked to look around like a hawk. "Where's Kuwabara? Where?! Where?!"

The team whipped around once Sensui pointed his head to another direction for them and saw Kuwabara was sitting behind the group still tied up.

Yusuke ripped Kuwabara's gag off. "Kuwabara? How'd you get here?!"

"At least he's finally rescued, right?" Ami said to Yusuke.

Kuwabara seemed freaked out by what happened. "I was grabbed by these weird hands and thrown into darkness..."

Just then, Ami's eyes widened as you turned around and saw Itsuki looking at the team. She quickly jumped high into the air as a face appeared under them for Ami to land a few feet away from the thing. Only for Hiei, Kurama, Kuwabara, Kiyoshi, and Iki were swallowed by the creature. Itsuki's doing to trap them in his room of a demon of his, named Uraotoko. Or rather Yamanati, the Demon with Six Arms.

Itsuki started to melt into the ground. "I'll see to the others." Itsuki then disappeared and the creature stretched itself over the wall like a large shadow. Ami, Yusuke, and Sensui were left alone.

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