Sensui's Secret

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Yu Yu Hakusho: Ghost Files Love Story – Beauty of a Rose (by Tayla Drago)

Chapter 29

'Koenma to the Rescue!'

Well, from Sensui having a personal split personality of other six for the other one was different to have this angry Sensui from Minoru to now being Kazuya to hurt Yusuke badly and try squeezing Ami to death, Koenma comes to the rescue to help them out by stopping his old Spirit Detective and sealing the tunneling using his special pacifier...Really? For Itsuki to love Sensui from some of his other emotions for Kurama, Hiei, Kuwabara, Iki, and Kiyoshi kept on watching to hope for the best. As Kuwabara says this to be confused right now.

"What are you saying?! Wait, don't answer...I don't wanna catch your crazy disease...!"

Ha! Well, everything's almost confusing right now. For some much to have Yusuke and Ami saved, I just hope Koenma can stop Sensui and his other mess up other ones for good...Whatever he has in mind, I hope that he'll be careful somehow. And for the other five to get out of Itsuki's territory! As Yusuke came in to hold Sensui from behind to save Ami to break free, he gets thrown as he fires a Spirit Gun to miss.

"Should've been his head..." he said while feeling weak.

"Yusuke...! Damn you!" Ami's eyes snapped open as Sensui abruptly threw her away from him before she could strike back.

Sensui growled. "That was close, she still had power left and that boy too. Both almost had me there."

Ami manages to stay on her feet to stop Sensui before Koenma and Yusuke, or one of them gets killed by Kazuya.

"Koenma, you idiot. I almost had him." Ami mumbled. In her right hand was a long sharp dagger.

"Ami, stay down. Both you and Yusuke are weak." He said. "I got this one. Trust me, please."

Sensui and Koenma exchanged words, but their voices kept fading in and out. As they continued to talk, Ami called forth her power to start closing her other wounds. Koenma had at one point pulled his pacifier out of his mouth and held it in his hand. Going to use his powerful shield/net to block the tunnel in time...His amazing Ma Fū Kan. Or the Wicked Seal in other words for this name. It was working for Koenma blames only himself to make Sensui go through so much hell to go down with him if he had to clean up his own mess.

Sensui pointed his gun arm at Koenma. "We will continue first by killing you."

Man, he was really going to do it! No...! Koenma closed his eyes, but suddenly the pacifier was snatched out of his hand. Koenma turned around to stare at the person who took the pacifier. It was Yusuke! For Ami tries to walk over to the others to join in, her hand was healed for her knee was still badly hurt.

"What the hell...? Yusuke?"

Well, Koenma didn't think that Yusuke would stop him like this...

"Go!" he said. "Get out! You're not dying on me...!" Yusuke hates touching the pacifier. "Gross..."

Koenma got mad even though Yusuke was already, and Amie comes back as well.

"Did you forget about me?" she asked flipping the pacifier in the air. Ami glared at Koenma. "This is my fight, Koenma...Well, between Yusuke and me stopping Sensui! So, do not interfere." Ami said through clutched teeth. "And we can't let you die this way!"

"Ami! You're no match against Sensui nor is Yusuke! Let me do this, it's my fault." He said to going up to Yusuke. "Come on, Yusuke, give me back the Ma Fu Kun."

With Yusuke keeping it in his hands 'for now', he then punches Koenma in the face to send him down to the ground.

"Serious?!" Ami freaks out. "You just punched King Yama's son!"

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