Wind and Earth

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Yu Yu Hakusho: Ghost Files Love Story – Beauty of a Rose (by Tayla Drago)

Chapter 10

'Fun round here, Yusuke vs. Jin!'

As Yusuke and Jin chitchat with each other saying jokes and comment him for kicking Bakken ass for him, it was kind of cute. And now the fight. Start! It's Yusuke vs. Jin, and it's going to be a fun and one hell of a fight here. Jin goes flying in the air to go flying at Yusuke for him to attack or try not to be send flying from an upcoming attack like getting hit from a missile; for Botan thinks for Jin to be flying above the ring was wrong to be counting but the rules were the rules for Koto to follow. Great...With Hiei and the Masked Fighter slowly recovering for Ruka's barrier to soon fade, Kuwabara watching, and Ami staying by Kurama's side, Yusuke must give it his all against Jin. For his Tornado Fist along with Double Tornado Fists was hard to punch or kick through, not even a Spirit Gun could blast through. Now what?

Well, enjoying the fight Jin loves the air in the skies to taking the island by any means. Yusuke does fire his Spirit Gun at Jin to hitting him a bit and blowing up his Tornado Fist to the face and still be floating. This was getting fun for them and serious too. Still, the fight between Yusuke and Jin seemed to take forever, but Ami wasn't paying much attention to the fight, at times to peek at. Ami was kneeling next to Kurama as he worked on getting the plant out of his blood stream.

"Kurama, are you sure you don't want me to help?" Ami's hand glowed a light grayish pink color for a moment.

Kurama shook his head smiling weakly. "No, Ami. Save your energy."

Ami sighed. "If you say so, Kurama."

"I didn't know you were such a worry wart."

Ami pouted. "Well sorry for worrying."

"I would kiss you right now if I could move."

Ami smiles at him. "I remind you of that when you're better."

Cute...Anyways, Yusuke had one option to use for Genkai taught him the skills of another Spirit Wave of the five to use against Jin's strong winds. For he goes for it to making his body powerful to punches and kicks at Jin to sending him flying out of the ring, too weak to come back down he was out. But he will see Yusuke again as his new friend. As she reaches eight Jin sat up.

"Now that was a punch! Y'almost...knocked me..." Jin fell back losing conciseness.

"10! The count is over! Urameshi wins!" Koto announced. The crowd growled and complained about the win.

Yes! Winner, Yusuke! One more to go! Up against Risho it is.

Ami soon notices the other team's human supporter run down to the front row being Butajiri, not him again! "Hey Risho!" He yelled to the remaining member. "This is getting tight! You sure you can take this guy out? I paid your team's way and bet everything you'd win!"

Kurama noticed the conversation. "Ami, can you hear them?"

"Don't worry, Urameshi's exhausted. But if you'd like to ensure the outcome..." Risho trailed off.

Ami looks at Kurama. "Yes. You can't hear them?"

Butajiri laughs. "Yeah, I like it. I'll go make the arrangements!"

"I can hear the voice, but I can't make out what he said. Could you tell me what their saying?" Ami nodded repeating what the man and Risho had said to each other. "I see. Ami, can you fight again?"

Ami nodded. "I barely used any Spirit Energy in my last fight."

"Good, because I have a feeling that you'll be the one fighting this next match."

Yu Yu Hakusho: Ghost Files Love Story - Beauty of a RoseWhere stories live. Discover now