The Golden Seal

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Yu Yu Hakusho: Ghost Files Love Story – Beauty of a Rose (by Tayla Drago)

Chapter 15

'And here's the short 30 minute/episode of the Golden Seal'

This is a fun one, even though FUNimation re-dubbed it better that's still worth watching. It was a nice Summer vacation after the Dark Tournament and all for our heroes Yusuke, Kuwabara, and Ami were having a fun time to be fighting the bad people and such...and they would just normally until Botan comes flying out of the skies to go to the three to be an emergency on something.


Seems that Yusuke and Kuwabara didn't have a problem on their ends to stop a couple of trouble making teenage boys, same old as always.

"Forget it!" said Yusuke. "There's no way you guys can win."

"That's right. It's hot enough already." Same with Kuwabara too.

Ami beats up some other guys as well on her end seconds.

"Which part? The Summer, me, or the work out?"

There were a lot of teenage boys in a big group to get mad at them...

"Shut up! Once we get of you three, the town will belong to us!" one teenage boy gives out the order. "Let's beat them up!"

In coming boys to come charging at them...Yusuke and Kuwabara were ready for anything 'as they always are for anything'.

"No choice then. Let's do this quick." Yusuke was ready on his end.

But that must wait, for Botan comes flying down for the three.

"Heads up, boys." Ami pointed out.

"Yusuke!" Botan calls out to him. "Big trouble! Big trouble!"

Yusuke was freaking out for Botan was flying straight at them.

"Hey, you! Watch out!"

"Big trouble!" Botan kept on saying it. Kuwabara and Yusuke, along with blowing all the boys away from a powerful gust of wind. Nice one. Ami sees this for her to jump in, as she needed to help the others out right away. "Ami! Follow us! We got trouble with Koenma Sir!"

With Ami having a face showing a 'what?' on it, she run fast to catching up to the others. With Botan opening a portal to the Spirit World for Yusuke, Kuwabara, and Ami to follow her there as she explains to them on what was going on.

"What the hell is with you?" Yusuke was upset. "Watch out next time!"

"Just follow me." Botan said. "In any case, it's real big trouble!"

Like Yusuke cared. "Listen you...we're busy enjoying our summer vacation. If it's an order from that toddler Koenma, I'm not listening!"

And speaking of Koenma...

"But Koenma has been kidnapped!" said Botan.

Not good!

"Koenma's been what?" surprised Yusuke.

So, they have arrived at Spirit World 'and the first time for Kuwabara to be there too', second for Yusuke and Ami, and a lot more for Hiei and Kurama. Well, Hiei was there right now...As Koenma's helper the Blue Ogre 'or George' was crying for his boss was kidnapped and worried of his safety since he was King Yama's son. The heroes needed to know what or who they were dealing with before heading out on their next Spirit Detective Case. And during the Summer vacation too!

So, Yusuke tries talking some sense into the Ogre, he was crying out from his eyes and nose. Gross...!

"Hey, if you keep crying, we can't figure out what happened."

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