Deep within the Caves

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Yu Yu Hakusho: Ghost Files Love Story – Beauty of a Rose (by Tayla Drago)

Chapter 27

'Inside the caves'

From Koenma in his teenage form tells Botan if anything goes wrong to feel something like a not normal type of earthquake, to go to King Yama in Spirit World to report of the danger right away. For she'll do just that. So, in he goes into the caves to follow the path 'thanks to Kurama to find his way through' to help the others by using his secret weapon – his pacifier? Odd...Still, with Kuwabara on a boat in the middle of the cave's lake for Sadao to hold him near the tunnel with some demons to appear to try hurting him and getting eaten soon as Sensui was watching his Chapter Black movie and with Itsuki 'for the first time out of the spot' watches the show. Not good...! For that as Kiyoshi led Yusuke, Ami, Hiei, Iki, and Kurama 'to be calming down' to try saving Kuwabara first with two more psychics to stop and then Sensui was next.

Yusuke called his name in response. Sensui started talking about how evil humans were, it was then Ami noticed he was watching the Chapter Black. For this girl tuned Sensui out as he continued talking.

"Please tell me that this madman isn't watching Chapter Black, is he?" ask Iki to be freaking out.

Sensui was just being himself just enjoying the show.

"Just something to enjoy again before the real fun begins." He said to the little demon. "Be happy, Iki, the gift that you had like Ethan did, you'll be one of the luckiest demons to see something amazing happen once the tunnel's complete."

For Iki finding Sensui to be so mess up, this was something else for a human like him could say such things.

Ami groaned. "You really like to hear yourself talk, don't you? I mean, my God, I've never heard someone talk as much as you."

Sensui turned around sharply and glared at her. "Shut your mouth, your filthy half-breed...!"

"Oh, I'm so scared." Ami said sarcastically. "Anyways, enough of your sick games...Let Kuwabara go and come fight with us!"

Well, Kuwabara wants out to not get killed by demons behind him to try getting out of the tunnel for low class ones or get eaten by Sadao aka Gourmet. For he wanted the others to save him right away.

"Get me off this boat!"

For Kiyoshi seeing Itsuki be standing and not controlling the tunnel, this was new to him.

"The tunnel's almost complete? That's not good." He said in fear.

"It's out of my hands now..." Now Itsuki tells them that.

For Genkai, Kaito, and Yana to come out of the caves now to wait up with Botan 'while carrying Ama's body' for now they leave the rest to the heroes, and they met with Koenma to go opposite ways. And besides, what would Sensui know to almost had to kill Doctor and having no choice but to kill Game Master too? They had no choice because of his twisted words to try saving the world.

"Look, it doesn't matter if humans without powers are bad or good." Yusuke said. "Unlike you, Sensui, you ran away to try protecting those from bad demons. And if they were some humans who were bad but without powers, it's wrong what they're doing but still bad to murder them. However, you're different than they are." That's the way to say it, Yusuke!

Sensui scoffed. "Makihara." Gourmet appeared next to Sensui. "Defeat Makihara, and I'll return Kuwabara."

Yusuke got angry and was about to step forward. Kurama whispered to Yusuke to say calm, as Ami does the same thing too on what's to come next. They need to stop Sadao to save their friend Kuwabara. But before the fight could began, he says something to be like a mind reader...huh?

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