The Reikai Fighting Queen Ami

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Yu Yu Hakusho: Ghost Files Love Story – Beauty of a Rose (by Tayla Drago)

Chapter 3

'A Demon follows the heroes...Oh, boy!'

Continuing through the castle as Yusuke, Kuwabara, Ami, Hiei, and Kurama 'who seems to be doing very well' to walk around the building for any signs of three Saint Beasts left to beat. The more they walked, the darker the hallways and the rooms coming up from walking up the stairs further and further, it wasn't normal darkness at all for Ami to sense out first before the guys do next.

"Ami? Why did you stop?" asked Yusuke.

"You guys don't feel that?"

Yusuke and the others didn't yet for some odd reason.

"Feel what?"

Ami then pointed out of the huge hallway had the lights slowly coming in and out, meaning that it wasn't normal darkness all around on where they were going.

"Wait...This is a room...?"

Kurama and Hiei now get it.

"Ami's right. This isn't normal darkness."

"Hmph. Guess we're not alone, we're being followed."

This makes Kuwabara freak out to turn around, for he and Yusuke don't see anyone or anything from behind or in front of them.

"Don't start pulling our leg here, shorty! This isn't funny!"

Hiei pointed that it was coming from the next room, they had to go into.

"The demon is already in the next room. It beat us to it before we did."

Ami didn't feel the demon pass by them at all.

"Hiei's right." Ami had a bad feeling about this demon, so she goes running in first and on her guard.

"Hey! Ami! Wait up!" Yusuke goes after her in a hurry to be running.

Along with Kuwabara, Kurama, and Hiei catching up to the two as they all enter in the room as one of the Four Saint Beasts' leader watches it all through his crystal ball. As the three finally see Yusuke and Ami all right into a room-like dome with huge lights all over the place with some darkness, all over the room for the door to close on them in seconds, they were locked in.

"Oh, great. We run in just to be trapped in!" said Yusuke.

Kuwabara couldn't get the door to open or from his strength.

"Ah! It's locked!" Kuwabara panics for he couldn't open the door at all. "What are we going to do!?"

Hiei gets his sword out. "Calm down! It wants us to fight with him."

"Really? So, who wants to fight with the bonus boss next? Anyone?"

For Yusuke had to fall for a trap, the room soon was crawling with shadow-like smoke all over the place waiting for someone to fight whenever it'll come out of hiding real soon. Ami then saw a big arm of a freaky looking kind to come flying out for Ami to use her powers from her head to see it to explode in the air in seconds, like a small bomb going off. It comes out being some Shadow Reaper – it was some type of guard of the entire place; with a face of a skull for a head, under a long hood of darkness dragging on the ground, can fly like a ghost, hands with long claws out, a long sword out, a freaky sound when he speaks like a robot, and was very big for the five to be seeing this.

"At last. The Shadow Reaper shows itself." said Kurama from seeing it up close.

For he and Hiei heard about these types of demons for Yusuke, Kuwabara, and Ami to be see one of them up close and looked like it was ready to kill. Ami had to say this to the demon.

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