TWBU : 49

75 4 2


I sat on my bed, holding my phone, my cheeks flushed with embarrassment. I had just hung up with Vincent after saying "I love you" unintentionally. Now I'm scolding myself, feeling a mixture of terror and excitement over what I said.

" Oh my gosh, Amethyst, what did you just do? You said ' I love you ' to Vincent, and it wasn't even intentional! Why did you have to mess up the conversation like that? " I muttered to myself and buried my face in my hands, replaying the awkward moment in my mind.

" He probably thinks I'm baliw or desperate to be his boyfriend already? Eh I didn't mean to say it out loud! Ugh, me and my mouth talaga.  " I continue. As I admonish myself, a little smile forms on my lips. Despite my humiliation, I can't help but have a warm and cozy sensation within.

" But... the truth is, I do care about Vincent a lot. He's become such an important part of my life ever since. Maybe... maybe it's not such a terrible thing to have those feelings for him again. " I said blushing again.

I recall the times we've spent together, the laughter we shared, and the way he makes me feel comfortable and appreciated.

" He's always been there for me, despite his duties as father to his son Liam and the also complying his duties as the presidents . I enjoy every moment with him. Maybe... maybe I do love him, in a way. " I thoughtfully said.

My cheeks turn even redder as I admits my feelings to myself. I take a deep breath and decided to call Vincent again.

" Okay, I need to clarify things with him. I can't leave it like this. It was a slip of the tongue, but it doesn't mean I don't mean it... or maybe it does? " I nervously said to myself as  Vincent's number, and after a few rings, he answers.

" Hey, Amethyst. Is everything okay? " I heard him say and I hear some rustling of blankets in the speakers.

" Hi, Vincent. Um, about what I said earlier... I just want to clarify that it was a mistake. I didn't mean to say it out loud. I'm sorry if it made things awkward. "

" Amethyst, don't worry about it. I know it wasn't intentional, but... I'm glad you said it. To be honest, I've been feeling the same way too and I'm sorry if I took too long. " he gently said and my heart skips a beat at his words.

" You... you have? " I softly said.

" Yes. I've been trying to find the right time to tell you, but I guess this works too. I care about you a lot, Amethyst, and spending time with you makes me really happy. I think... I think I love you too. " he said and my eyes widen in surprise, but a genuine smile spreads across my face.

" Vincent, I'm glad you feel the same way. And... I think I love you too. " I happily said.

" dada is that ate Amethyst?  " I heard Liam through the call called out to his father. I gasped and can't help but felt relief.


The hospital room is quiet, with sunlight gently streaming through the window, casting a warm glow on the scene.

My son, lies on the hospital bed with a brave smile on his face, despite feeling a bit weak and he just woke up hours ago. I stand beside my son holding his hand in a reassuring grip.

Amethyst's voice can be heard coming from my phone, as they are having a video call.
" How are you feeling, Liam? " Amethyst asked through the phone, concerned.

" I'm doing okay, Ate Amethyst. The doctors are taking good care of me. " my son weakly said, but with a smile. " I'm glad to hear that baby. I wish I could be there with you and your dad. " She softly said.

" We appreciate your support, Amethyst. It means a lot to both of us. " I said and nodded my head to her. " Dad's been reading me some of the adventure books you gave him. They're really cool! " my son excitedly said.

" I'm glad you like them, Liam. I knew you'd be a great adventurer, just like your dad. " she laughed. " Dad's a big adventurer, not me. " my son teasingly said.

I playfully replied to him  " Oh, you'll be a brave adventurer one day, I'm sure of it. "
Me and Amethyst exchange warm smiles, sharing the unspoken bond of love for Liam.

" Vincent, I really wish I could be there with both of you. Please let me know if there's anything I can do to help. "  Amethyst softly said.  " Your support and love mean the world to us, Amethyst. Just hearing your voice and seeing you on this call brightens our day. " I appreciates to her. Her eyes shimmer with emotion, touched by my words.

" You both mean the world to me too. I wish I could be there to give you both a big hug. I know Liam may not be son, but I treated him as my own.  " she whispers and I smiled.

" We'll have plenty of hugs waiting for you when we meet again. Uuwi din kami ng pilipinas a few days from now. Malapit na rin kasi matapos yung lakad ni dad dito. " I said " You've become such an important part of our lives, Amethyst. " I tenderly said to her.

As we continue talking, I sits beside my son, keeping him company during the call. I watched Liam's face light up as he shares stories with Amethyst, and my heart fills with gratitude for the woman on the other side of the call who has brought so much joy into their lives. After the call me and son sat in silence.

" You know, Liam, Amethyst is a very special person. And she cares about you just as much as I do. " I whispered to my son. " She's really nice, Dad. I like her a lot. When will she by my mommy? " Liam shyly said.

" I like her a lot too, buddy. She's made me very happy. Soon buddy. Soon.." I proudly said to my son. Who cuddles on my chest and I caressed his back as I hummed lullaby.

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