Chapter 20 : Maybe

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Sofie's Pov

I was staring into the abyss as Hopper raced to my house. I wanted to rest my eyes and fall asleep, but every time I closed my eyes I saw blood. I saw Bob. I could hear him screaming for help. I could see those monsters. 

I hadn't even realized I was crying until I felt Steve wipe my tears. I inhaled a shaky breath and started wiping my tears. I knew it was incredibly inappropriate with mine and Steve's relationship right now, but I couldn't help but snuggle into his lap. I felt comfort in his warmth and the smell of his cologne. 

Steve was currently my safe space. 

I felt the car jerk to a stop. Steve held onto me tighter as my entire body jerked forward. He opened the door and I crawled out of the car. I sighed and looked at my house. The lights were on and I could see movement in the house. 

I didn't want to go inside. I couldn't bare to see Mom in the state that she's in. I felt my breathing becoming more rapid and I felt an awful familiar feeling coming over me. 

I had had panic attacks before, but this time I didn't have my Mom. 

I turned away from the house and started walking towards the street. I tried to calm my breathing, but nothing was working. My hand flew to my chest, and I felt how hard my heart was beating. 

"Sof, are you okay?" I heard Steve ask softly from behind me. 

I tried to answer but I had no words. I started hyperventilating even worse. 

"Hey, hey. Sof, look at me." I closed my eyes and started crying. 

"Sofie, come on. I got you. It's okay." Steve set his hand down softly on my shoulder. 

I turned around and opened my eyes. I wrapped my arms around him and cried. I felt his hand in my hair while his other stroked my back soothingly. 

"It's gonna be okay, Sof. I've got you." He whispered. 

"It's not okay. Bob is dead because of me." I cried. 

"Sof, it's not your fault. I don't know what happened, but it's going to be okay." 

He pulled out of our hug and held my face. 

"It's all my fault." I whispered as I looked into his eyes. 

"Hey, look at me. It's not your fault. Don't be so hard on yourself." He reassured as he wiped my tears. 

I nodded my head hesitantly and looked towards the house. I felt tears brimming my eyes again, and I leaned into Steve's chest. 

He wrapped his arms around me and kissed my head. 

"Let's go inside." He whispered. 

I nodded and took a hesitant step down the driveway. I stopped and hesitated again. 

Steve grabbed my hand and pulled me forward with him. Once we got on the porch I stopped again. 

"I can't do it." I whispered. 

"Sof, your family needs you right now. You can do this. You're a superhero." He said as he squeezed my hand. 

I swallowed hard and turned the doorknob. I stepped in and looked around. Jonathan was with Will on the couch. He was petting his head. 

The kids were sitting at the dining room table. They were talking to each other quietly. I looked around the house and it felt like everything was so dead. Like there was no life. 

"Let's go to your room. I think you need a little bit of quiet time." Steve said. 

I nodded lifelessly and followed Steve down the hall. He opened my door and turned on the light. I walked in and walked over to my bed. 

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