Chapter One: A New Place.

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Part 1.
The boy awoke to find himself in a frozen tundra, it looked like nothing for miles but snow and ice as he stood up he clicked a button on a choker on his neck this turned off what was known as ability mode.

The boy had white hair like snow and deep red eyes like blood he was very thin and his skin was pale white the boy was around sixteen years old but he is not just any boy, he is the strongest level 5 esper from a city known as Academy City a city of science those who knew him called him, Accelerator and now this boy was in a new place.

The last thing Accelerator remembered he was in a fight with Tetikou Kakine another sixteen-year-old boy he was the #2 strongest esper in Academy City his ability was known as Dark Matter it was a power even the great Accelerator could still not fully understand.

He remembered that Kakine had changed, his whole body had been made of Dark Matter and Accelerator had to admit if it wasn't for the #4 level 5 Meltdowner he would have probably been killed by Kakine, but thanks to her showing up when she did Accelerator was able to have enough time to figure out the properties of Kakine's strange dark matter vectors and reflect his attacks.

Accelerator's esper ability is vector manipulation with it Accelerator is capable of controlling anything that has the quantities of direction and magnitude, the moment he makes contact with it.

Any vector that touches him he can control it. Accelerator also has an insane intelligence he has the brain power of over twenty thousand supercomputers. So he is able to complete highly intense calculations in milliseconds this is why Accelerator is so focused on in Academy City.

Accelerator was once shot in his head when he used 100% of his power and brain to cure unit number 20001 known as Last Order of a virus, since he didn't have enough calculating power to fully reflect the bullet that was shot at him at the time, he was shot in the head.

Fortunately, a certain frog-faced doctor known as Heaven Canceler was able to save Accelerator and gave him a choker that allowed him to use his ability for 15 minutes at a time.

Accelerator was able to increase this time limit to 30 minutes by tinkering with it a bit, however, at the moment Accelerator only had about 4 minutes of charge left, after his fight with that dark matter monster.

Tetikou Kakine didn't even look human anymore he was completely made of dark matter his body was completely white, the boy literally changed his entire biological structure, he was after Last Order and Frulan Kruten a gemstone esper that could never be killed or die in any way. Accelerator was doing battle with him. Then that light enveloped Accelerator and that was the last thing he remembered.

The next thing Accelerator knew he was waking up in snow.

Accelerator looked around the tundra seeing nothing he used his cane he is required to carry to walk thanks to his injury, he can no longer walk correctly without the cane when he is not in ability mode, he was walking through cold snow happy he still had his winter jacket on, normally Accelerator can manipulate his body temperature with his ability but with his choker off and his ability not active currently he needed the jacket in the cold.

As Accelerator walked by icy cliffs he heard a noise nearby it sounded like a growl.
When Accelerator looked up at the top of the cliffs he saw strange-looking creatures he had never seen before.

They were completely black they almost looked like shadows and they looked like sabertooth tigers (Great did end up in the ice age.) Accelerator looked at the creatures, there was a pack of about 10 of them they jumped down from the cliffs and surrounded Accelerator.

Though he was not worried as he clicked on his choker activating his esper ability the creatures charged Accelerator ready to kill him and Accelerator did not move a muscle standing in one spot.

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