Sex Scenes

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Hello all This is not a real Chapter just a little update to tell all those who are interested that The Sex Scenes story I had mentioned before is finally out on AO3 (Archive of Our Own) For those who want to read the sex scenes you can head over to AO3 and search for, either ZeginXX (My Profile) or The story name which is titled: Raildex Item x RWBY.

It will be all the sex scenes of my stories current and future ones dealing with To Aru and RWBY which is going to be most of them, I plan to release all the current sex scenes in that story that have currently been reached in the stories then add any new scenes from a chapter after that chapter's release, I explain it in better detail on the first chapter.

The sex scenes are going to be exclusively on AO3 for certain reasons, For those who want to see the sex and smut in the stories head on over and enjoy.

Had to replace the image because Wattpad are little babies it wasn't even that bad, I've seen worse on here before, and it's a mature story but what the fuck ever.

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