Chapter Seventeen: Grimmlin War Part 2

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Part 1.
The people in the restaurant ran for the hills the moment the wall had suddenly exploded and most of the room was destroyed, With a few civilians being only injured thanks to Lessar's quick movements, getting them out of harm's way before they could be killed, Due to this the civilians caught up in the crossfire were only had minor injuries instead of being killed.

At this very moment, Lessar and Leivinia Birdway were face to face with the woman known as Vento of The Front, a former member of The Right Seat of God, Now a member of The Dark Side group Grimmlin a group that has been secretly terrorizing the city and most of Remnant.

Vento was a high-ranking member in the group and she had a very special semblance, the reason this semblance was so special was because it basically copied her magic she could utilize back on Earth, But it did require dust to work properly and that was the only drawback to this power.

Right now in the current fight, Leivinia Birdway and Lessar had not figured out how to counter any of Vento's attacks as of the current moment and they couldn't properly land a hit on the girl either, She could utilize her aura well and had certainly gotten much stronger since Haven Academy.

Leivinia Birdway was struck in the back by a sudden bolt of fire that appeared out of nowhere, This didn't do much damage as she still had quite a bit of her aura but it was still a problem.

(I don't understand, how does her weapon work? Is she able to teleport dust to a certain location? Or is there something else going on? Am I just not seeing it?)

Leivinia was taken out of her thoughts when Lessar was sent into the ceiling by gravity dust and then she had to leap out of the way of a massive stone, unfortunately, she was not prepared for the lightning that struck out of the ground right below where she had moved to, her body felt a deep pain like a thousand scorpions stinging her simultaneously, Letting out a yell as she was thrown to the ground.

Vento walked forward with her mace at her side as she made her way closer she twirled her tongue and a gust of wind shot back Lessar who was charging at Vento with her Claw ready, She was sent into the wall and before she could react Vento's tongue moved to the left and she hit her crucifix with her mace in a diagonal direction, This act caused a burst of lava to jet from the floor but Lessar was just fast enough to avoid it.

"Man, You two are actually pretty pathetic you know?" Vento mocked with an over-exaggerated yawn.

Leivinia was a little pissed at this display of disrespect and so was Lesser. "Your first mistake is underestimating us, You may have the upper hand at the moment but once we figure out what your little trick is, it's over for you," Leivinia declared with true determination in her words.

Leivinia raised her wand and several ice cycles shot out at Vento, This was however, ineffective as all Vento did was flick her tongue then with a quick hit to her crucifix a wall of stone suddenly formed before her shooting from the ground in front of her.

The ice cycles only hit the stone harmlessly, Then Vento wiggled her tongue and hit her crucifix in an upward direction then she quickly hit it down.

Above them, a storm cloud was made on the ceiling of the building, but rather than it raining water it began to rain down fire, Lessar quickly shielded herself with one of the tables nearby and Leivinia created a hard light dust dome around herself the fireballs bounced off harmlessly and couldn't break through the shield.

"Aw, boooo! No fair, why don't you come out of there."

With another hit of her crucifix in a random direction, The floor beneath Leivinia exploded within her hard light dust dome, A barrage of multiple different types of harmful dust filled the dome with Leivinia still inside before she could save herself.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 03 ⏰

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