Chapter Five: The Bandit Camp

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Spoiler Warning.

There is a small spoiler from A Certain Dark Side Item, this chapter.

Part 1.
Raven Branwen sat in her tent drinking tea, as she sat back and relaxed after the last mission her tribe went on, they were going out to rob passing airships heading to Mistral, but they hit a lucky jackpot, they shot down an airship looking to find some good loot weather it be dust, lien or just about anything they can take, but then as luck would have it they were able to abduct Weiss Schnee, her family was the richest family in Remnant Raven knew that if they played their cards right, they could get some serious money from her ransom.

Raven finished her tea and figured she would pay the Schnee heiress a vist, before contacting her family as she headed to the cage that they were keeping the rich girl in, she over heard voices one was her right hand, Vernal and the other voice was Weiss.

"If I were you I would recommend you let me go." Weiss said with a grin. "Oh what... you think big sister is going to save the day? Your sister isn't even Mistral anymore, Ironwood pulled all his troops back to Atlas, so no one is coming to save you." Vernal said with a laugh. Weiss confidentially smiled at Vernal. "Oh I wasn't talking about Winter." Weiss smirked. "Oh really? Then who are you talking about? If your so confident." Vernal said keeping her grin.

"My bodyguard... Accelerator." As soon as Weiss said this Vernal and the men and women around her all began cackling like hyenas, even Raven found it funny that the Schnee heiress who is a huntress herself, would put so much faith in a bodyguard, it was laughable.

Weiss looked at them still quite confident. "Laugh all you want... I will be getting the last laugh when Accelerator finds me, and destroys your pathetic camp, I just do hope he doesn't kill...all of you." Weiss warned, as she looked a bit worried for their safety.

Raven finally decided to show her self. "Really well... if he is really that good then, I can't wait to test my strength against his, that assuming he comes for you in the first place." Raven stated. no one could see her grinning thanks to her mask.

"Oh he will trust me, and when he does your best chance is to run, or you will most likely die." Weiss said.

"Well we will see, but for now you will stay here until we hear about your ransom money, so just sit tight you will back in your mansion before you know it." Raven said, then she walks away from Weiss. As she is walking back to her tent a man walks up to her. "Raven there is a woman here that wants to see you, she claims to be your daughter." The man said, and Raven stops in her tracks.

Part 2.
Tetikou Kakine smiled to himself, as his test gave him more information then he was hoping. (So Accelerator has white wings now huh? And it seems he was able to make my dark matter destroy itself, it seems he also has aura and a semblance, while he can't exactly manipulate my dark matter directly, he can manipulate the vector properties of my dark matter. This is going to make things more interesting... to think Accelerator was able to reverse the calculation of my dark matter construct's regeneration impressive indeed.) Kakine is pulled from his thoughts by Cinder. "Salem wants to see both of us right now." Cinder told him. Kakine follows Cinder out of the room.

Part 3.
Accelerator was next to Frenda as she looked through a pair futuristic looking binoculars at a camp. "Do you see Weiss down there?" Accelerator asked. Frenda looked from, left to right through the binoculars before answering.

"In the end there is no sign of Weiss yet." Frenda answered. She was about to try using her semblance when, she saw someone familiar.

Frenda zoned in on a certain person she was a blonde girl with long hair, she had on a brown jacket, and grey pants with brown boots.

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