Chapter Sixteen: Grimmlin War Part 1

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Before Chapter Notes.

There is an annoying fly in my room that won't die, I wish I had a vector reflection, it must be so awesome to be Accelerator, anyway.

We are finally at the first major milestone of this story, The Grimmlin War Arc. I have been waiting so long to write this, We are finally getting to some of my favorite parts of the story and I can't wait for all who read this story to see some of these milestones when we reach them.

As I have said before this is pretty much it for the RWBY cannon, from this point on the story isn't going to be following the RWBY cannon story or events from it, It is going in its own direction from here on out.

Well, I guess that was obvious last Chapter with what happened to Weiss, And Salem working with Ironwood and stuff like that, This war will be chaotic and it will be pretty dark in some moments, not as dark as the Dark Side War in The Frenda Story but pretty dark at some points, we will also get to learn a bit more about Grimmlin and their operations.

As I have mentioned before we will see Accelerator's healing process from his brain damage and what percentage he is at until fully healed and %100.

As for Weiss I probably don't have to mention this but of course, she isn't dead, where she is will remain a mystery though as well as her time of return for the time being.

So, I hope you will enjoy The Grimmlin War Arc and I would say that's the notes.

On with the Chapter.

Part 0.
There were about twenty-seven Grimm they all surrounded only one man, he held his sword in only one hand, a massive great sword, this was not the same as the sword he used to have but it would do, He had discovered how dust worked and he incorporated dust in his weapon and combat style, He was a very formidable foe on the battlefield and should never be underestimated.

The man in question was known by two names, In the past he was a mercenary known as William Orwell, but now he was known as Aqua of The Back, this name was given when he joined The Right Seat of God a group that was run by a man named Fiamma. The group's goal was to save the world by changing its fundamental laws, this would be achieved by starting a war between science and magic creating the 3rd global conflict, After the fire a new and better world be born from out of its ashes.

That was the plan.

However, he was now in The world of Remnant, he hadn't even seen it coming, He had gone to Academy City to retrieve Vento of The Front, But something happened, He had just met the boy known as Touma Kamijou, the boy who held the power called Imagine Breaker in his right hand, William had told Touma that fighting him would be suicide for him, and right when he was about to leave a light enveloped him then the next this he knew, Both himself and Vento were in an underground city.

It was a sunken city under a mountain or something he didn't fully remember, But the first person he met was a man named Roman Torchwick, The man had called him an intruder and attacked him alongside many other men and women with animal features on their bodies.

For William Orwell it was simple even though his magic lance and his sword had not been with him, he easily took down all of them with his bare hands regardless, It was not much of a challenge for him, The thing about William or Aqua, Was that he was a saint and one of the strongest of the saints. Saints were special individuals who were born with the blood and body of Jesus Christ, This gave them incredible power, They had superhuman strength and speed and they could take much more punishment than a normal human, Even shooting a saint in the head wouldn't immediately kill them.

Saints also had a healing factor they could even heal brain damage or damage to their hearts, killing a saint is a very difficult task, As one of the strongest saints William Orwell was a truly powerful opponent and not many could match him in combat, The man was basically a walking tank.

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