Chapter Nine: The Enlightenment

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Here we go, Another chapter with big secrets.

Part 0.
"The Enlightenment? You look like you are part of the Misaka Network."

Accelerator was standing in what looked like a moving galaxy, He was currently standing across from a being that looked like one of the sisters, But this one was different, She had been completely naked and her body looked like a humanoid galaxy, She also had wings coming from her back, They were a nearly transparent platinum and looked very much like the wings that belonged to the artificial angel Aiwass.

"Yes, We are the god of the Misaka Network, We were created when Unit number 20001 Last Order was brought to Remnant, We are a new body but we also don the presence of Aiwass and The Will."

The Enlightenment's voice reverberated as though she was speaking from every direction around The #1.

"The Will?"

"Yes The Will of The Misaka Network, She is not currently important, We have finally been able to make a connection to you, Thanks to your partial access to Eternity."

Accelerator wasn't sure if by Eternity she meant that actual term or if She was talking about his 3rd aura, He unlocked, The platinum-colored aura that was only partially accessible to him.

"Yes, We mean that Eternity, It is the aura we granted you."

"You granted me?" The #1 could not fully understand, He had unlocked three auras Weiss and Frenda told him that was impossible, That to unlock three auras one would have to have three souls.

"We can see your confusion, We carry the power of a being that has crossed the abyss between Sephiroth and Qliphoth, Our power exceeds that of the rules of Remnant."

"Sephiroth? Qliphoth? What is that?"

"They are magical artificial trees, The tree of Sephiroth is the tree of life, It is depicted as the tree that makes up the world, It holds branches that make up existence, Each branch is a realm that has a specific Sephiron, for example, the 3rd branch is the realm of humans, The 7th branch is the realm of angels and the 10th and final branch is the realm of Gods."

"The tree of Qliphoth is the opposite, It is the tree of evil, It is the realm of demons and devils, Humans can not ascend Qliphoth but they can still borrow its power through a demon contract, The trees have a few different rules when it comes to Remnant's magic but I will explain that later," The Enlightenment explained.

So I come from the 3rd branch then?"

"No, we and you sit in the same realm, That realm being the realm of angels, In Russia you successfully read a page from a Grimoire, Casting magic for the first time and healing Last Order, This also changed your personal reality, Unlocking your angel form, It was at that moment you, The #1 ascended Sephiroth to the realm of angels," The Enlightenment explained, Shocking Accelerator, He had a feeling he was different but he had no clue he was now classified as an angel.

"We are also an angel, As we are a part of Aiwass."

"We have summoned you hear to warn and prepare you for the future, Unfortunately, we can not keep you in this realm forever, So we will explain the truth about Remnant, Information even Jinn doesn't know."

"We will reveal the lie Ozma tells everyone, He claims that he is the avatar of Zaviar, But this is not true for the true avatar of Light is a man named Septimus Magnus."

The Enlightenment had begun to show Accelerator the past as everything around him shifted to show the world of Remnant 5,400 years ago.

Accelerator saw a young boy who looked to be only ten, The boy was in a forest practicing magic.

The One Who Wields The Power of God in the World of Remnant Where stories live. Discover now