Chapter Thirteen: Atlas Vampire

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Part 0.
The snow was cold as she lifted her face looking ahead she brushed snow from her eyes, Mikoto Misaka saw the white-haired Vampire standing over the lifeless body of her best friend Kuroko Shirai, Mikoto had also noticed that Shizuri Mugino's body was still and unmoving as well, along with Misaki Shokuhou.

The sound of psychotic laughter pierced her ears as she pushed her body to her feet, Her jacket had been ripped open so the chill of the tundra was very noticeable, But she didn't care.

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!" The Vampire known as Alison a member of the group called Grimmlin laughed as she looked among the battlefield, Mikoto stared at Kuroko's body, It looked cold and devoid of any life.

"Kuroko!" Mikoto shouted out, Her friend wasn't responding or even breathing.

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!" Alison laughed her head off then quickly calmed down as she stepped on Kuroko's head with her boot, She looked down at the girl who wasn't breathing with a smile, Then looked back to Mikoto who was only a certain amount of meters from her.

"Aw poor girl, Looks like she is taking a permanent dirt nap, Although she was truly delightful, Such a fun toy," Alison mocked with a lick of her lips.

"YOU! I- I WILL FUCKING-" Mikoto couldn't get the words out as her anger and hatred boiled over the surface, A true intent to kill became apparent as her regular lightning began to shift color from white blue to a night black and a blood red.

Mikoto felt a deep hatred and darkness consume her, Her eyes turned black and smokey and she lost all thought and control.

Part 1.
7 hours earlier.

Combat training was going well for the students, It was currently a sort of team free-for-all with Teams RBY, JNR with Oscar, and Team FNKI (funky) an Atlas team that Mikoto had seen fight a few times and knew they were skilled.

Weiss Schnee had run off somewhere earlier and nobody knew where, But she said she would be fine and Accelerator seemed to trust her judgment so nobody questioned whatever she was doing, Mikoto figured she was probably going to speak to her father or something, She had been away from home for a long time after all.

Frenda Seivelun was also currently taking on the entire Ace Ops team single handedly and she was having no trouble with them, Mikoto had to admit she had gotten much stronger since Academy City, She learned that Frenda was actually a level 4 esper now, Mikoto didn't understand how the whole aura thing increasing esper powers worked, It never did anything for her, Aura either worked separately from her personal reality or, Maybe it was because she was Level 5 and couldn't go any further.

She had asked Frenda about it a few days ago and she didn't have a full answer but she theorized that being a Level 5 was probably the reason, She said that Level 5 espers were at the max by physical law and would have to somehow advance by conceptual law to reach Level 6 apparently the only two who have started down this path according to Frenda was Accelerator and Tetikou Kakine.

While she was sure Frenda was right about the conceptual part, Mikoto felt that Level 6 was much more than that, Because if that was all it took, Accelerator and Dark Matter would already be Level 6, There was a missing ingredient, Something she doubted would ever be discovered, But it was obvious reaching Level 6 and unlocking SYSTEM was much more than simply advancing a personal reality, She knew there was something missing and she was sure the Academy City governing board knew or at least had some ideas what that was.

Mikoto doubted it would be discovered in Remnant outside of Academy City, She doubted even Accelerator could find that missing piece.

Speaking of Accelerator, Mikoto found his spar with Winter Schnee and General Ironwood to be almost comedic, They couldn't even lay a finger on him and he simply stood still with his hands in his pockets with that signature bored look on his face.

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