Chapter Fourteen: The Discovery

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Before Chapter Notes.

We are getting closer and closer to the end of Volume 7, My version is going to be very different from the canon, For one I will just go ahead and say that Ironwood isn't a complete dumbass this time around, However just like the end of the cannon Volume 7, Salem will still show up at the end of the Volume.

So this chapter has a bit of a different focus than how the cannon did it, But Cinder will still go after The Winter Maiden just like in the RWBY proper, But it will be very different.

This chapter is mainly focusing on Accelerator, But there will still be some stuff for other characters, Although I am pretty sure it's been a while since we had an Accelerator-focused chapter.

Okay, notes done, On with the chapter.

Part 1.
"Okay, So we do exactly that, We will go to Jacques's little dinner while Weiss goes around the house, We have to find anything that will prove Jacques's crimes."

James Ironwood sounded in the large office. Robyn Hill and her huntresses were present as well as Weiss, Winter, Accelerator, Qrow, and the Ace-Ops.

Accelerator was actually here for a different reason, Ironwood wanted him there just In case Grimmlin tried something at the dinner, He decided it would be a smart move to have the strongest of them present at this dinner.

In case something bad happened Accelerator had Last Order go with Fremea to be protected by Frenda Seivelun and Mami Tobio in a Hotel that he purchased last night as a safety precaution. Well, Mami is only there to keep Matsuri safe, Who they decided was more of an issue than a help, Since she can't control her powers, It seemed like she would need a maiden to teach her or something.

The plan was simple. Discover the secret that Jacques Schnee was hiding and arrest him, But would it really be that simple? Would a man who has kept himself near the top of the world despite the obvious illegal operations he conducts be that easy to catch?

Accelerator has seen men like this before, They are like cockroaches who can get themselves out of any situation, They hide in the dark and it is rare to be able to shine the light upon them.

So was this pointless? Did Jacques have some type of plan? Was he prepared for this? It seemed he went through a lot of trouble to become the leader of Atlas, He went through a lot of trouble to frame Robyn Hill, How could she defend herself when all the evidence is stacked against her?

It seemed pointless. A man like Jacques would have covered his tracks well, He chose to have his wife killed, probably because he knew that she would be the only one who would know about his illegal affairs, So it's two birds with one stone.

Discredit Robyn Hill his competition and deal with the one person who knows the truth.

All in all, It was a good plan, A man like that would cover his tracks.

Despite this. Accelerator still felt he should be there, Weiss was going to be risking her life doing this, Nothing would happen to the girl on his watch, That is what The #1 had decided.

"I can go with Weiss Since my semblance is teleportation... it will make getting around the mansion a lot easier," Awaki Suggested, She was right, Teleportation would come in handy. Especially in not getting spotted in the mansion.

Everyone agreed to this suggestion.

"Ace-Ops, You will be with me at the table, I need you there the most Clover... And Qrow it's probably best if."

Ironwood wasn't able to finish his sentence as Qrow interrupted him already aware of what was going to be said. "Yeah, Yeah I got it, I'm not the best person to be hanging around Jacques Schnee."

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