Chapter Seven: The Battle at Haven

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Part 0.
Kronos is the titan above all other titans, and gods in the Greek mythology, Kronos can also be called Cronos, or Cronus he has many names, and his magic as a magic god allows him to control and manipulate all of time, as the true god of time, he can control, see, change, shift, and shape every single aspect of time, manipulate Reality, Dimensions, Cosmic Energy, All Forms of Matter, Law, Logic, and Physics.

But Kronos can go even further, and manipulate Conceptual Reality, and other forms of Conceptual Forces, this means Kronos can manipulate all things that are inside of existence, and outside of existence, even dark matter is no exception too this.

Despite looking like a child, Magic God Kronos is the oldest and strongest of all gods and titans, at full power Kronos has the power to instantly kill a magic god, if he chose, as being that exists even beyond infinite conceptual reality and logic, Kronos has accomplished reaching a level even the magic gods can never even hope to reach. He has surpassed all other gods and devils, even the god that created the fabric of existence.

Kronos is very different from the other magic gods, many magic gods like Othinus, and Nyphethys do not believe in parallel dimensions, or universes as even the magic gods can not normally manipulate these existing phenomena in the multiverse, most magic gods have only seen the existence of phases.

A phase is a new reality applied on top of an existing reality, that only those who are called magic gods can create and manipulate by distorting the world and changing the existing reality, to a new reality, it's like applying a new layer of paint over a previous layer, each phase is another layer of paint.

This however only applies to the current universe, in which the new phase was created.

Thanks to the power Kronos has, his ability to manipulate time to the highest extent allows him to see previously existing timelines, and phases.

What he learned that the other magic gods don't know, is that each phase created dosen't replace the previous one, it simply exists above it is just like if you add new paint to old paint, the paint is not being erased it simply being covered.

The old reality exists apart from the new reality, and with these infinite realities existing, each has it's own universe.

Kronos is the most powerful magic god and the most special. Kronos has the power to manipulate the dimensional energy of all phases, in other words Kronos can travel between any existing universe at will, he can also bring back any existing timelines that were erased by a change in time.

Each time someone travels through time, they change the previous existing timeline to a new existing timeline.
However unlike with new realities time is different.

Each time a new timeline is created the old timeline becomes a dead timeline, but it still exists, think of it like having a thread tied between two sticks, then you cut a piece of the thread breaking it, but then tie the broken thread back to the other stick.

The part you cut off no longer exists on the current thread, it now exists in it's own separate existence normally you could not ever access this dead thread. But what if you had a way the perfectly mend the broken thread back to the existing one restoring the thread to it's former glory.

This is the power Kronos Wields. Full power over time, he is that one that can do the impossible, and restore the timeline to what it once was.

Kronos did not always have this power, the magic god Kronos used to be human, hundreds of millions upon hundreds of billions, or even hundreds of trillions of centuries ago in some long long ago timeline, and phase, truthfully the true age of Kronos's age is unknown too even other magic gods.

The One Who Wields The Power of God in the World of Remnant Where stories live. Discover now