Chapter Eight: Black Glass

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We are finally here, The start of Volume 6, I am putting this message to give a small explanation about how this volume will work, Unlike the RWBY proper, I am going to be focusing mainly on the side of Cinder and Kakine, Through most of the journey for volume 6, Hades will be making hidden moves throughout the volume against both sides, Our heroes and current villains will not discover the existence of the magic gods for some time.

I'm also changing the time scale of Volume 6 Because of how the fall of Haven happened in this story and Cinder will be getting her current RWBY proper outfit early, Since I didn't like her outfit in Volume 6, I am changing the way train ride happens for very needed reasons.

Also, there will be a few POVs throughout the volume, But the main POVs will Be, Cinder Fall, Accelerator, and Mikoto Misaka.

As I mentioned in my Frenda Side Story, I am now going to be updating the Chapters for both stories simultaneously, So a Chapter for the Accelerator Story and then a Chapter for the Frenda Story.

Lastly, I built a new better, and smarter AI so the chapters should be much better quality, It's not perfect but it's way better than the two previous AI writers I built.

There will be a spoiler for, A Certain Scientific Accelerator Manga, This Chapter.

Okay, with those notes out of the way on with the Chapter.

Part 1.
Dark Matter is a strange substance, It is a non-existent force that follows non-existent laws, It has the power to have almost unlimited effects including granting one immortality, Actually immortality isn't the right word to use, Its more accurate to say that it allows you to exist outside of life and death or in between the two forces, The laws of life and death no longer apply.

Dark Matter is a strange white substance, That doesn't exist in our universe, It is the esper ability of Tetikou Kakine, that Only can be utilized when he creates it, It requires Tetikou Kakine to manipulate his own personal reality, To have effect through advanced and intense calculations.

But for the twenty-four, nearly twenty-five-year-old woman, Cinder Fall this was very different.

Cinder blocked another spear from Tetikou Kakine with her dark matter wings, Then she created a massive tornado of dark matter, The black-as-night substance swirled around her body as it tore the ground apart around her, The tornado soon turned into a black-colored fire, Cinder sent this force of great power at Kakine, But the boy destroyed it with a simple wave of his hand, Disrupting Cinder's dark matter.

"You have been getting better at controlling it," Tetikou Kakine praised, He and his girlfriend Cinder Fall had been training her control of dark matter for the past few weeks, They would spar every day for about four hours at a time, Cinder was a strange case and neither she nor Kakine understood how, But somehow her dark matter seemed to replace her semblance and merge with her magic.

She still had to make the proper calculations just like any other esper, But her calculation process was different, Cinder didn't have to utilize the advanced and intense calculations that most espers did, She only had to make slight adjustments to her flow of magical energy, All she needed to do was change her flow of magic to change her dark matter's effects.

As for her dark matter itself, it was basically the same as Tetikou Kakine's for the most part, But still a bit different.

Cinder Fall, Just like Tetikou Kakine now existed between life and death, Her body instantly rebuilt any damage done to her if the opponent manages to break her aura, Cinder's aura levels greatly increased, Her aura levels were now a 8,200 charge at 100% and it became much stronger than before, With her magical dark matter, Cinder Fall, could manipulate all elements, Control 25,0001 energies, Transmute Objects or People, Heal Other people such as fixing diseases, Making the crippled walk, or the blind see, Heal brain damage, Even bring someone back from the edge of death.

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