Chapter Four: Dark Matter Grimm

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I dont own RWBY or To Aru I only own my OC's. RWBY is owned by Rooster Teeth and To Aru is owned by Kazuma Kamachi.

I dont own any images.

Part 1.
The bath was nice and warm, the water had multiple colors and lights in it, and in the bath a fully naked woman was soaking as she just needed to take a bath and relax, she was happy that being immortal didn't mean she wouldn't feel anything, she at least still had her sense of touch, she may have lost her humanity and her heart, but she could at least still feel things physical, she could at least still enjoy a warm bath.

The woman soaking in and enjoying her bath was the Grimm Queen called Salem, she was Remnant's true enemy and the villain of the story, or at least that's what Ozpin believes.

While Salem was enjoying the warm soapy water, she began to think of everything that happened in the last few days, more specifically What happened with a certain boy who was her latest recruit. A boy named Tetikou Kakine, he was a very interesting boy and Salem found herself quite intrigued by the boy, or specifically his strange semblance, she had never seen a power quite like his before, she had wanted to see the true extant of Kakine's abilities so for the last few days she has been putting him through a series of training assignments, and Salem and her other underlings were quite impressed by his performance.

In the past few days, she had seen him manipulate almost every element, turn Grimm to sand, control the weather, manipulate the laws of physics and logic basically to his will, and so much more plus to top that off his body can regenerate even faster then her's can, all because of something he calls Dark Matter.

Dark Matter was a substance that according to Kakine didn't exist which confused Salem, how do you control a force that isn't even real? Maybe she was looking to much into it, or maybe he meant something else when he says "dosen't exist" or maybe he was just hiding the truth about his semblance, she already could tell he was lying about a lot of the things he said.

He claimed to be from a city in Mistral but Just to check, Salem had Watts look for anything on Tetikou Kakine, Identification, Licenses, Combat School Transcripts, etc. And nothing, no where did she find any sign of the existence of Tetikou Kakine in Remnant, it was as if he just popped up out of nowhere one day.

She even looked through hospital records to see where he could have possibly been born, in every single kingdom out of every hospital in Remnant once again nothing. Tetikou Kakine has no records in Remnant, and he apparently was acquainted with Amata Kihara before coming here, who seemed to know a lot about his strange power. Amata was very strange too when she first met him as well but unlike Kakine, Amata has hospital records he was born in a hospital in the City of Mistral, he also had Licenses, and a degree in the Scientific Study Division in Atlas.

Salem had recruited Amata Kihara a few years ago, and she learned that, thanks to his highly advanced intelligence and understanding of many things Salem didn't understand, she could use him for her ultimate plan, her former fake lover, Ozpin/ Fake Ozma believes that Salem craves death and no longer wishes to be immortal, that she wants to destroy the world, but that foolish man couldn't be more wrong.

Why destroy a world when you could control it, rule over it, make it's laws, she could do it, she just had a few annoying problems in the way one of those main problems was the gods, as long as light and darkness were around she could never truly rule Remnant.

She would need to get rid of them first. Salem's true plan is to use the relics to bring the gods back to Remnant, but not to destroy the world she was planning to trap them, then use a very special Grimoire to absorb their power for herself, this would give her full control over light and darkness, in other words full control of the world, and power over life and death, first she would rid the world of the gods that created it, then she will create a new world.

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