Chapter Ten: Vibration

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Part 0.
It was quiet, freezing, and dark, Her body was ice cold, She could barely feel her hands or legs, She thought she was dead, She reached down to her chest and lightly touched the wet spot on her clothes, When she looked at her hand in was already covered in blood, It was dripping down her arm over her elbow and off to the floor.

The pain was worse than anything she had ever felt before, She barely was able to stand up again, She used all her strength to push herself up, She was able to wobbly stand on her feet, Her shoes were covered in blood, She left bloody footprints behind as she walked slowly to her mother, Who had still been alive, She looked at her mother and a sudden anger and hatred filled her body to her core.

"You, You, You, It's your fault, If you never brought that girl here this wouldn't have ever happened, If you had just hired proper staff, Then we would have never been in this situation."

Her mother looked up at her, She struggled to breathe, Her aura was barely keeping her alive, Her windpipe had been crushed by Cinder Fall, She struggled to get the words out, It wasn't an apology, She didn't ask for forgiveness, Quite the opposite instead. "I... you- be- being... the... hard...est- on- her... An... na."

Anna Castle looked at her mother, Alcloria with a look of deep hatred and rage but up inside her, Then she did something she never thought she would ever do.

Anna Castle looked to her right and noticed a mace on the floor, She walked over slowly and bent down to pick it up, It hurt her entire body to bend like that, But she didn't care she fought through the pain.

Anna picked up the mace it was very heavy as she was not a huntress or any kind of fighter, This was the first time she carried a weapon in her whole life, She was so fixated on her goal that she didn't even notice the dead man in the room.

"W... wah... what... are- are y- you... to-" Alcloria's words were cut short when her eldest daughter straddled her.

Anna raised the mace high into the air, Then with all force she could muster, She brought the weapon down slamming it into her mother's head, Blood sprayed from the wound she created, In her rage, She began to scream, it so much to scream that loud, She brought the mace up and down over almost endlessly.


When Anna finally stopped after finding the strength to hit her mother 53 times, She dropped the mace and looked at her mother's dead body, Her face was covered in blood and brain matter, Her eyes were busted open, She was completely unrecognizable, Her blood was flowing down her body and pooled on the floor of the attic.

Anna Castle was somehow getting some of her strength back, She was able to stand a little easier now, She Then heard another voice. "Anna?" Her younger sister by a few minutes was still alive, This gave Anna some relief as she walked over to her.

"Alanna, You're alive," Anna celebrated with tears in her eyes, The blonde girl was so happy to see her sister alive. "Where's mom?"

Anna Castle's celebration immediately came to a halt, What would she tell her sister, How could she tell her that she just murdered their mother?

She couldn't tell her that, So she didn't. "Um, I think Cinder finished mom off," Anna lied. "She's dead," She added.

"Mom's dead?" Alanna began to cry at the realization that she was now motherless, She was the closest to their mother among the two of them and now her mother was gone.

"Wh- what are we going to do now?" Alanna cried, It hurt Anna inside to lie to her sister, But she put the feeling aside and decided they would figure out everything once they got out of the Hotel and got to the hospital.

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