RIP Rooster Teeth

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Holy shit! I just learned that Rooster Teeth has been officially shut down, after 21 years it's gone for good, I loved Rooster Teeth and I can't believe this, it will be missed.

My entire teen years was spent watching Rooster Teeth, I truly loved it, I know they were already heading to problems and I guess this isn't a massive surprise, But it's still crazy to see.

I guess we will never see RWBY Volume 10, I don't see that coming ever and that really sucks, I know that many didn't like the direction RWBY was going but I definitely still loved the show.

I actually started watching Rooster Teeth when I was like 11 or 12 because of Red vs Blue and then I got into Achievement Hunters because of Michael's Rage Quit, and since then it's been all about RWBY my third favorite series after South Park and To Aru.

Now I'm watching it go, It's pretty crazy, I saw that Warner Bros is going to sell the rights of Red vs Blue and RWBY, I hope to see more RWBY in the future maybe it will be rebooted as a full anime.

RWBY Ice Queendom was really good in my opinion and I would love to see more RWBY anime in the future, I personally hope it becomes an anime maybe a little darker with better action, a better story and some fan service. Keep all the characters just change the story a little.

Maybe a TV-14 anime or even a TV-MA like To Aru, Maybe they could even do Roman Holiday in anime form that would be pretty cool. Let's all hope for an anime and not a live action adaptation, I would still watch it but I would be pissed, Because I know a live action RWBY would never work, Just like a live action To Aru should never exist. I'm scared for the recently confirmed live action Naruto being made.

Of course I'm still making my fanfictions and if we never see another RWBY show again at least we still have the existing content and fanfiction, There are plenty of shows that ended or got cancelled that still have fanfiction to this day.

So if RWBY is never back again at least it will always be alive in our hearts, It also sucks that 150+ people are out of a job, really sucks.

Let's hope we get more RWBY content in the future. It will be a little weird not having the RWBY voice actors, Another reason why I want an anime at least with subbed it will feel a little better, If it ever got dubbed I would just hope for good dubbed voices, Like I think Brittany Karbowski (The Voice of Mikoto Misaka in the dubbed To Aru) could play Weiss.

I probably don't have to mention this but I will anyway, Of course my stories are still moving at the same pace, I'm writing the 14th Chapter of the Frenda Story, Dark Side War Part 1, And I will be Writing the 5th Chapter of the sex story then we will be back to the Accelerator story with Chapter 16 Grimmlin War Part 1.

I guess Rooster Teeth doesn't own RWBY anymore, So maybe I should change my Disclaimer to WB, because until they sell the rights I suppose they are currently the owners? I honestly don't know how that works, If Rooster Teeth even though they shut down still have the rights to RWBY until it's sold or if just WB owns it now.

I'm trying to get out the new chapter of the Frenda story as fast as I can, been a bit busy, It make take a little bit but at least it won't take as long as New Testament anime which has speculation that it will probably be 2030 when that finally drops, But god I hope it's sooner.

Anyway I would love to hear all of your thoughts on Rooster Teeth shutting down and the future of RWBY in the comments, Do you think we will get anymore RWBY content? Or do you think it's done forever. Go ahead and feel free to speak your mind, are you sad like me? Or are you happy that Rooster Teeth shut down I'm interested to know your thoughts, Is this little message the first you heard of this?

I leave with this final thought. Rest in Peace Rooster Teeth.

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