Chapter Eleven: The Leviathan

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Part 1.
Mikoto Misaka is the #3 Level 5 in Academy City, Her Ability name is Railgun, She is known as the city's strongest electro master, A type of Esper that can manipulate electricity, However, Mikoto can take this even further and is capable of manipulating magnetism, as well as her on body and electrons, Mikoto can also detect electrical signals around her, To paint herself a picture of the surrounding area.

Mikoto had a range of abilities and even gained a semblance upon coming to Remnant, But despite all of that, She still felt weak, Mikoto had made a goal for herself, That goal was to reach a point where she could stand side-by-side with the boy known as Touma Kamijou, She thought she reached his level, She thought she could protect him, But she couldn't protect him from the magic god called High Priest, She couldn't protect him from Aqua of the rear, She couldn't even save him from getting his back broken by, The #4 Level 5 Shizuri Mugino which she still is mad at for that, Even if they now had to work together now.

Mikoto felt helpless, She felt weak even though she was The #3, She felt like being a Level 5 didn't truly mean anything, The only reason she wasn't killed in Baggage City is because Touma Kamijou was there, That Marian Slingeneyer girl was something Mikoto didn't understand, She could do things that went beyond science, She couldn't fight her, She didn't understand magic at that time, Well at least not enough, But Touma Kamijou was there with his power, That power she could never understand at all, That power that went beyond both science and magic.

He saved her that day, He defeated Marian, Not her, It was the same with High Priest, She couldn't do much at all to him, But Touma Kamijou was able to fight him, Able to actually hold him off, She just felt weak, Even Accelerator was beyond her, She couldn't touch him and it was Accelerator that stopped The Star of Bethlehem, She once again wasn't able to help, This is why Mikoto felt weak, She wanted to be strong, strong enough to stand side by side with that boy.

Mikoto Misaka and Kuroko Shirai appeared in the apartment complex, They were directly in front of the member of Grimmlin named Alison, She was a Vampire a real Vampire, The girl was terrorizing Atlas and Mantle, Attacking Women and children, She would sexually assault her victims then she would suck their blood until they die, Her most recent victim made Mikoto sick to her stomach, It was a 5-year-old-boy, His body was found in the Mantle streets, He had multiple bruises and Had most certainly been sexually assaulted and of course he had to fang marks in his neck, The poor boy was only 5-years-old, The saddest part was that the police barely investigated the murders, Due to Whitley Schnee's kidnapping and Willow Schnee's murder.

The police were more concerned with hunting down Robyn Hill, The worst part to Mikoto about Alison was her victims, While Alison attacked and drank from women, Her favorite victims seemed to be children from the ages of 4 to 9 both male and female, She wanted to kill Alison, She wanted to tear her to pieces.

"Look at that... The cute kittens have come to play with me... You brought a friend Mikoto Misaka, She looked tasty," Alison mocked with a lick of her lips.

"You won't be touching her."

"You want to do this again? You didn't learn your lesson from last time sexy?"

Mikoto didn't answer she just shot Alison with a lightning bolt, It struck her sending her across the room, She slammed into the wall, While Alison did take damage to her body, She felt no pain, She leaped up as her body regenerated, Alison shot beam of red energy at Mikoto, But Mikoto's body vanished from sight, She then reappeared behind Alison.

(Teleportation? She couldn't teleport before.)

Alison looked at Kuroko as she dodged an iron sand whip from Mikoto that cut into the ground. (Is it her? She can teleport people?)

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