Chapter Three: Vector-X

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Part 1.
Last Order was not to sure why, but big sister, Ruby had been acting differently ever since they left the store, she was sad and Last Order felt responsible, for making her buy the cereal back at the store but she had seen something like this before many times in someone she knew. Accelerator always got in the same mood when ever he thought about Project Level 6 Shift.

But one thing Last Order knew, it was that she was going to do everything in her power to help big sis Ruby feel happy again.

Ruby and Last Order arrived back at the motel with the groceries, after Ruby Rose had saved everyone from Dark Matter's attack they camped out in a forest for a night, then the next day in their journey they found a small town named Valunrun, it had a small population of 258, but there was a market so Ruby decided it would be a good chance to stock up on some food. So they bought things that would last, they got canned food, salt, water bottles, cereal but no milk since there would be no way to refrigerate it, sugar, of course cookies, strawberries and a few other things Nora insisted on pancake mix. Ruby also bought new pots and pans as well.

"Were back! says Misaka Misaka as she announces our return!" Last Order announces rather loudly as she and Ruby open the door to the motel room.
As they entered the room the first thing Ruby noticed is Jaune Arc was not present, she only saw Nora, Ren and her Uncle Qrow.

Ren and Nora were sitting on one of the beds watching television and her uncle Qrow as usual was sitting in the corner drinking from his flask, she was really getting tired of her uncle drinking his problems away from what she was told, her uncle would drink from time to time but never that heavy that was until they declared that her mother and Qrow's closest friend Summer Rose was dead. One day her mother Summer left on a mission and she never came back.

No body was found and she never even contacted anyone, Ruby's older sister Yang told her that there was no way Summer would have ever walked out on them, and Ruby believed it so that could only mean something bad had happened to her, something that made it impossible for her to return to them.

And after what her Uncle Qrow told her last night she began to wonder if Salem had a hand in her mother's disappearance, or was maybe even completely responsible. Ruby would go to her mother's grave and speak to her when ever she needed to talk, or to tell how she did on her exams, or what friends she made, even though she knew she was talking to an empty grave it still felt good to talk to her mom.

She even told her about Frenda, she confessed to her mom about how she felt about Frenda, she knew her mom would aprove but sadly she never had the courage to tell Frenda how she felt about her before she was killed by Cinder Fall. Ruby wished she hadn't had been so scared to tell her, truthfully Ruby feared rejection she didn't know if Frenda felt the same way about her.
Ruby could still remember the first day she met Frenda...Ruby had snuck out to go train against some Grimm. After taking down a number of Grimm Ruby had found a human blonde girl collapsed in the snow.

Ruby saw a barrette was on the ground in front of the girl, she turned the girl over and wiped the snow off her, face her skin was ice cold and she was shivering. Ruby shook the girl with her hand when the girl woke up she looked at Ruby's face and said "K-Kinuhata?" Then the girl sat up quite quickly and started babbling. "No wait in the end Mugino... she... she, I should be dead!" Ruby heard that and thought maybe the girl was attacked by someone she assumed was named Mugino.

Ruby was about try and calm the girl down when she noticed 4 red glowing eyes, then two Beowulf's emerged from the treeline the girl had been surprised as the creatures changed them, but Ruby quickly used her semblance to cut off the Grimm's heads, they fell headless too the ground and then dissolved, the girl jumped to her feet and shouted. "In the end what the fuck were those things!?" The girl asked.

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