Chapter Fifteen: The Winter Maiden

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Before Chapter Notes.

Here we are, the final chapter of Volume 7, I have quite a bit planned, It will be a pretty crazy chapter so be prepared, It strays far from the cannon and has an.... Interesting ending.

This chapter is not only the last of Volume 7, But it is also the chapter marking the end of the Pre Grimmlin War Arc, Next Chapter will be the beginning of Volume 8 and The Grimmlin War Arc. It will be a crazy arc and I hope you all enjoy it.

I'm sorry this chapter took so long, Life decided to be a bitch in the month of February and I have been very busy.

Also I wanted to say that if you want to say something or if you're trying to write to me on fanfiction. net, Then please PM me because fanfiction doesn't send me emails for comments for whatever reason, So sometimes I don't see them for a long time. So if it is important or you want a response ASAP pm me on that site, Wattpad and AO3 send me email notifications so those are fine it's just the one.

Well, that's the notes on with the Chapter.

Part 1.
Weiss Schnee was absolutely confused, Even after all the explanation, She didn't understand why an enemy was helping them, She couldn't understand the blonde boy named Thor at all, He was a member of Grimmlin, Their enemy and yet he had decided to help Weiss get her little brother Whitley Schnee back.

From what Thor had told her and Accelerator. Enshu Kihara was keeping Whitley in a building in the center of Atlas, But she didn't trust him one bit, He had tried to kill her and her friends last time they met him if it wasn't for her boyfriend Accelerator she would have been dead when he threw that lance at her, So what is he playing at?

These were the thoughts going through Weiss Schnee's mind at this moment she didn't even believe Thor, She couldn't see how Enshu Kihara could keep Whitley in the center of the city, He definitely would have been found. Thor had to be lying to them.

"Okay, This should be good, We can eat here, I've been here a few times this place is good and it has a VIP section that should give some privacy... Once we're seated I will give you all the details on Whitley Schnee and what to expect from Enshu Kihara," Thor explained as he walked into the very fancy restaurant, He already told them his plan was to use Weiss to get them in the VIP section.

(I swear I am going to kill him if he is just using me to get a free meal.) Weiss thought as She entered with Thor and Accelerator, The restaurant had to be at least a four-star, It had a nice decor and it seemed there was a reservation limit.

Weiss figured Thor thought they would get special treatment because of her status, Which was true It wouldn't be hard to get a seat, even in the VIP section.

As the three of them walked through the door a man walked up to them, He was in a black uniform and very professional, at least at first glance if not for the small rip in his tie that Weiss immediately noticed, She had been taught to easily identify these types of mistakes when it came to literally anything. Weiss however, had other things to worry about.

Not much needed to be said. "Can we get a table?... In the back," Weiss asked pointing to the VIP section which was completely empty at the moment. Of course, the man recognized Weiss Schnee and quickly agreed, as they made their way to the back, Weiss had noticed something about Thor she didn't before. (He didn't bring his weapon? I mean I would have expected him to fix it after Accelerator destroyed it, So is he not up to something? Or is he just trying to gain our trust? Speaking of which, Why did Accelerator immediately trust him?)

When they were seated, Thor immediately figured out what was going through Weiss's head and decided to drop some big news. "Ok, So I actually already know that you, Weiss, know about Earth and Espers and Magicians, Also congratulations on you're relationship with Accelerator."

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