Chapter Twelve: Frenda vs Mugino

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So as I put in my last chapter notes, I decided to change the Frenda vs Mugino fight to this Chapter instead of Chapter 13 Atlas Vampire, Since there won't be much Accelerator in this chapter, It is a bit of downtime for everyone before Grimmlin attacks, So this will be a shorter Chapter and it will mainly deal with the beginning of Volume 7 sort of.

Volume 7 will be very different from the cannon and we will see some pretty crazy things going forward.

Like I mentioned we won't see any magic gods until Volume 9 since Grimmlin will be our villains through Volumes 7 and 8 and let's just say unlike the Ruby cannon, There is a lot more risk in this.

Of course, we will also see more characters from both RWBY and To Aru and maybe another OC it depends I haven't fully decided if I will add another OC this soon, Although I have noticed there are no OC characters on the heroes side and I want to add at least one, well there will be one at the end of the story basically, But I want one a little earlier as well.

As for POVs, we will be seeing a lot of Weiss much like the cannon through Volume 7 and Jacques Schnee is going to be just a bit.............. Different than Cannon, While sort of being the same.

As for Robyn and the happy huntresses...... Well guess you'll just have to wait and find out.

Well, that's the notes on with the Chapter.

Part 1.
She was the #4, a Level 5 esper, Level 5's are considered the strongest of espers, Shizuri Mugino used to believe in and stand by this, Believing herself to be practically invincible, That was until she was defeated by a level 0, Shiage Hamazura.

He was Item's newest recruit and their driver, To Shizuri he was an annoying pervert who had a bunny girl fetish, yet she still liked him, Shizuri never actually told Hamazura that she had feelings for him, However, he chose Rikou Takisubo over her, She never told him how she felt because she could never figure out how and she also saw how much Takisubo liked him.

(Authors Note: It's hinted at in the novels that Mugino had feelings for Hamazura.)

Shizuri had run one of the best underworld organizations, Item, It was actually the best until Group was formed, Shizuri actually cared about her group and her team, However, the city's darkness got to her, It changed her and made her a monster, She eventually started doing whatever it took to achieve her goals even if that meant putting her teammates in danger.

Shizuri had pushed Takisubo to the point of nearly killing herself, By making her take ability crystals, They were a special type of drug that could push an ability passed it's limits and in some cases even temporarily achieve higher level power, But it was incredibly dangerous it would slowly destroy the internal organs of the person using it, Shizuri new this and still started forcing Takisubo to use it, Takisubo had a very useful ability, AIM Stalker, It allowed her to sense AIM Fields on espers she could use this to track any esper that she had sensed and find them anywhere, Even on the opposite side of the planet or in space.

The only safe ones were level 0's since they had such a weak AIM Field, She could still track them but it was much more difficult for her.

The problem was she couldn't control this power well and she needed to use an ability crystal to properly use it, This is why she couldn't use it much, Because the crystal was too dangerous to continue to use, When she got sick and started to get hurt from using it, Shizuri had ignored this and made her keep using it, To keep tabs on School, The rival organization of Item, She went crazy trying to hunt them down and lost to The #2 twice, But Mugino continued, She nearly killed her friend because of her selfishness.

Hamazura had fought against her and she had lost, Against a level 0, Shizuri still was salty about it sometimes, Yet something else was worse for her, Something that eats at her, her biggest regret was killing Frenda Seivelun, Someone she considered a friend, Frenda had given up Item's hideout to School and they were attacked, Mugino was pissed for two reasons, The first was that she had trusted Frenda and the second was that there was a moment in the past where Frenda Seivelun promised she would never betray her.

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