Chapter 9

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3rd person POV:

Luz got out of bed, only to trip over her green jacket on the floor. She groaned in pain and got back up, putting her jacket on and heading out the door. She hadn't gotten much sleep last night, thinking about school (but mostly Amity)

As usual, Amity was already awake, studying who knows what

"Morning, Blight" Luz greeted, yawning

"Mhm" Amity responded, clearly distracted

"I'm gonna blow up the kitchen, burning the pancakes and clog the toilet with dog hair. I'll also slam dunk your mom through a basketball hoop" Luz made up, not entirely lying about the last part

"Whatever you want, Noceda" Amity responded again, not looking up from her book on abominations

Luz shrugged her shoulders and continued walking, not realizing that there was a wall right in front of her. She walked straight into it, stumbling backwards

"Ugh, today is not my day" Luz stated, rubbing her nose

"Excellent" Amity said in the background

"Shut up, Blight" Luz said, walking into the kitchen to grab some fruit for breakfast

When she got back, Amity was gone

"Wow, she just ditched me? I suppose I should make my way over to school too" Luz said, finishing off her breakfast and heading out the door

Once she got to school, she saw Amity and the group by the lockers

"Hey guys" Luz greeted

"Oh, hey Luz! You look tired" Gus pointed out as the others greeted her too

"I am. I barely got any sleep last night" Luz stated, rubbing her eyes

"Did you stay up all night thinking about something or did you have caffeine before bed again?" Amity asked, finally back into the world

"First option. And it's nice to finally have you back into reality after practically ignoring me all morning" Luz said, playfully glaring at her

"Well, how about this" Amity pushed herself off the locker and made her way over to Luz, gently placing a hand on her cheek "After Grudgby practice today, I'll make sure to show you some extra attention" and with that, she gave Luz a peck and made her way over to class

Whilst Amity seemed perfectly fine, Luz on the other hand was having a bisexual panic attack. A dreamy smile soon spread across her face as the others tried to get her attention

"Luz?" Willow called

"Luz?" Gus said, snapping his fingers

"Luz!"Boscha yelled, getting her attention

"Wha- huh, who?" Luz stuttered, being snapped back into reality

"Dang, someone's down bad" Matt laughed

"Sh-shut up" Luz was luckily saved by the bell screaming it's non-exsistant lungs off

She quickly snuck off to class, the others not noticing. She got to class and sat down, taking out her books

Her first class, abominations

The whole time, Amity sat next to her, flirting with her

It wasn't like she didn't enjoy it, but she needed to concentrate. And blushing cheeks did not help with learning how to shape abominations

She managed to learn a minimum knowledge and moved onto the next lesson. Plants

Willow helped her with what she missed out on. Amity wasn't there to constantly flirt with her, but she still couldn't get her mind off her. One period later, it was lunch

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