Chapter 18

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3rd person POV:

Luz sat in complete darkness on what seemed like a metal chair in nothing but shorts and a t-shirt. Her eyes slowly opened as she took in her surroundings

Completely bricked up room, abomination goo bindings tied tightly around her waist, legs, ankles, and hands

"Oh good. Your awake" Luz heard someone say in the corner

"Who's there?" Luz snarled

"Oh, I wouldn't be so fierce, mate" they stepped out the shadows to reveal a man in a tank top and cargo pants. He had a mask on and multiple burns, two missing fingers, and cuts all over his revealed skin. He also walked kind of funny, almost like his leg had just healed from a knee injury and...his balls were missing...

"Rextus..." Luz growled

He took off his mask and dropped it to the ground, revealing a burnt and ugly face

"Ah, I'm glad you remember me! Especially after all you did to me..." He lifted up Luz's chin and she bit his hand, biting off another finger

"Argh! " He backed away and held his hand in pain "You intolerable sorceress! "

"Stay mad" Luz snarled, spitting his finger on the floor

Rextus looked pissed. He picked up a random metal pipe on the ground and looked at Luz, his face filling with an evil and ugly grin

"Payback time" He slammed the pole down on Luz's foot as she grunted in pain. Then he lifted it up and swung it at her leg. He then grabbed a nearby knife and dragged it across her arm, leaving a deep cut

Luz held back tears as she hung her head on her chest

Rextus then picked up her chin with a pipe again and then punched her in the nose, resulting in blood gushing out

He was about to go in for another attack before someone stopped him

"That's enough, Rextus" An ugly green haired witch stepped through the door

"Damn, why is everyone here ugly as fuck? You with you burnt ass crispy looking duck face, and then you with your dollar tree looking hair dye and your fucked up hairline that I don't really know where it starts joined with that ugly ass fairy tale evil stepmother looking goose" Luz said before coughing up blood

"You'll be loosing that confidence real soon, child" Odalia growled as she snapped her fingers

"Damn, now you be looking like a goofy ass chihuahu-" Odalia stuck a needle in Luz's neck

A pounding headache suddenly formed as Luz's eyes went from brown to orange. She felt herself loose control as all emotions disappeared from her face. She felt herself get stronger too, with a new found feeling surging through her that she couldn't quite place yet

"Release her" Odalia commanded as all binds immediately dropped

Luz stood up and stood completely still, as Odalia walked up to her

"You will now work for me and follow my every order without hesitation. Understood?"

"Your wish is my command" Luz said almost robot-like

"Good. Now I want you to give me the coordinates of your base"

Luz struggled against the serum. Was conscious on what was happening, but she couldn't control anything

"8'00 4" [I don't know how coordinates work so we're just rolling with that] She said, giving out the coordinates of a shopping mall in the human realm

"Good. Now we shall-" an explosion was heard down the hall along with loud screams

Odalia ordered Luz and Rextus to help defend the base

Luz moved against her will to the front of the base, seeing a giant abomination robot suit destroying half of the place

"Luz! You're okay! Come on, let's get out of here" Luz heard Zira say from the inside of the suit. Luz wanted to move towards them but couldn't 
"Uh, Luz Noceda? We're kinda running out of time here!" Zira said before blasting a guard to the side. Luz still remained completely still

"Luz! I command you to attack!" She heard Odalia say over the intercom

She got into a battle stance as the ring on her finger turned into a bat as she ran at the Zira


She ran over to the suit before hitting the leg of the suit, effectively breaking it from pure strength, then climimg up the leg, dodging the attacks from her friend and making it to the top before grabbing Zira's shirt and throwing her out the suit then jumping down

They got up as their sword appeared in their hand
"Luz, I don't want to fight you. Whatever spell Bitchdalia placed on you, you need to fight it off"

Luz ignored what she said and charged towards them, attempting to attack. Zira dodged and counteracted by hitting her forehead with the hilt of their sword

They then drew a spell circle as the sword turned into a glove then blasted her away with a blast of wind as vines grabbed her and held her down

Zira continued to fight off the other guards and Luz struggled against the grasp of the vines and the grasp of her possession

Suddenly, she felt a rush of strength and speed surge through her as her hand turned into an energy blade and she sped towards Zira and stabbed her in the back

Zira dropped their sword and fell to the ground as Luz stood there. Confused on the inside, but dull and cold on the outside

Luz found the strength to fight off the possession harder before she finally did

"Zira!" She kneeled next to her 14 year old friend, blood rushing out the wound, unsure of what to do before grabbing a temporary healing patch and slapping it on her "Shit, I'm so sorry. I'm being mind controlled by Odalia just like how Alador was. I need you to get back to base and tell the others. I'll find a way out of this myself. Lay low. And tell Amity that I love her, and that Rextus is al-" the headache returned as she stood back up, the blade forming again and the dull expression returning

Zira did a backflip onto their feet and ran out, looking back at Luz one more time before dodging attacks from the guards and making their way back to base

(Y/n)'s POV:

"Shit, shit, shit!" I cursed myself as I sprinted back to base. I could feel my injury slowly returning, so I pushed myself to run faster

Everything went wrong. The suit got destroyed, Luz was being mind controlled, and I got stabbed for crying out loud!

As I ran back, multiple things rushed through my head

"Odalia mind controlled Alador too? Luz has powers? Rextus was what?"

I made it back to base and turned my sword into a glove and broke the wall down before quickly repairing it. My wound had started bleeding again, badly

I limped into the base, my blood dripping on the floor as the others rushed over to me

"Zira!" Hunter called before I collapsed in his arms, slowly loosing consciousness

I could hear them yell things but couldn't decipher what. My eyes slowly started closing as I saw Amity's apologetic expression, Hunter's concerned expression, Willow worried expression and Xenos's... wait... was that a smirk?


Chapter 18 finally complete! I'm so, so, so, so, so sorry this took so long to come out! I've been really busy lately and didn't have time to update but it's here now and I'll make sure to get the next one out soon. Love you guys!

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