!Notice 2+ Small Chapter!

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Heyo peeps! So, after 2 weeks, a lot of you have voted for me to continue this book, overruling the other options, so that's what we'll be doing. For how long will this book go on? Who knows honestly. I might just write until I'm 100% completely out of ideas. But anyway, here's something for you all to enjoy!

[PS: they just got off the boat and are on their way to the throne room]
Luz's POV:

Amity, Boscha, Willow, Gus, Matt, Alador, Edric, Emira, Hunter and I all followed (Y/n) into the castle, all of the guards greeting us with a bow along the way. Soon enough, we reached the entrance of the throne room. One of the guards, Steve, took off his mask greeting us all with a smile. He gave Matt a huge hug however

"You guys are back! And safe too!" He exclaimed enthusiastically, ruffling Matt's hair, Matt trying to look irritated, but smiling

"Yeah, we through a lot of trouble bringing Bitchdalia down" (Y/n) stated

Steve sighed in relief "We were all so worried when we heard the mission failed and you were all captured by Odalia. We would've come to help, but we didn't want to wage war with the other country"

"Understandable" Amity spoke up "That would just waste unnecessary forces"

Steve clicked his tounge and pointed at her with finger guns "Exactly, tiny Blight" He said as Amity groaned and rolled her eyes "Anyways, Emperor Belos is inside. I'm sure he'd be delighted to see that his child, nephew and they're friends have returned back, successfully too"

(Y/n) nodded before pushing the giant doors to the throne room open, everyone following in

"What is it, Steve? I'm bus-" Belos started before looking up "Zira? Hunter? Other teenagers?"

Voices went through the air, ranging from "Father" to "Uncle" to "Emperor Belos" as we all kneeled

"By the way, father, you can call me (Y/n). I told them about my name already" They said, picking their head up

He nodded before standing up and taking a few steps forward, staying at least 2 meters away, however "Seeing as you're here, I'd assume you succeeded in taking Odalia Blight down?"

"Indeed uncle. We ran across some mishaps along the way, but nonetheless we did it" Hunter replied

"Well done. You've all earned a reward. However, you two" Belos said, pointing at Alador and I "Stand and come here"

Alador and I exchanged a quick glance before complying to his words, standing up and walking in front of the others

"Your aura seems...diffrent from when I last saw you... more powerful too" Belos pointed out

Alador and I glanced back at the others, wondering if we should tell him the story or not. A few seconds of silence passed before (Y/n) nodded their head, indicating that we should tell him

We turned back to Belos, before Alador spoke first "It's quite the story, but a run down of it involves Odalia using a type of syrum to control our brains, giving us extra power as well"

"Due to the fact that she used the blood of something called a Child of the Stars, it gave us this power, consisting of strength, speed, flight, the force, electricity control, and a few more that we haven't quite figured out yet" I continued

"I see..." Belos started "Well, thank you for clearing that up. For now, you are all dismissed. A reward will be sent to you all, along with an explanation to your family and teachers as to why you went missing for quite some time. I'm sure they'll be quite relieved"

We all nodded as the others stood up, exiting the throne room, going up to (Y/n)'s room, opening the path to the secret base, and once closing the door, we immediately celebrated

"WHOOO!" Gus cheered

"WE DID IT!" Boscha yelled

"YEAHHH!" I yelled

"GROUP HUG!" (Y/n) suggested as we all ran to the middle of the room and threw our arms around each other. Smiles were littered on all our faces, tears running down a few of our cheeks, relief flooding us

We all let go before (Y/n) pulled out 2 bottles of apple blood

"Celebration?" They asked, before we all cheered in sync


All the troubles of the human realm left my mind, all the things I might need to face in the future was put aside as all I concentrated on was having fun. After all...

We did just save the entire Isles

And there you go! I'm still going to write more chapters after this, but for now I hope you enjoyed this and that you're excited for future chapters to come!

-Yours truly
- Saber_Blazestrike

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