Chapter 20

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3rd person POV:

The group sat around the table, now that they were all awake, they had to go over everything that had happened

"So." Zira started "why don't we clear things up?"

"Okay, so first off, Xenos betrayed us-" Luz started

"I fucking knew that bitch was up to something" Amity and Zira said in sync

"Anyway, so apparently she was Rextus's sister, who was still alive somehow" Luz continued

"Odalia also seemed to have injected us with some sort of serum, as you know, and since she's dead, we're kinda free of her grip" Alador continued

"Mom's finally dead? That bitch reached her milestone years ago" Edric said bluntly as everyone laughed

"Yeah, so we blew up the entire company and killed everyone there, so mission accomplished. Any questions?" Luz finished

"What now?" Gus asked

"I think we should head back to the isles. Tell Belos of our accomplishment" Hunter suggested

"Yep. Maybe father would actually be proud of us now" Zira stated calmly

"By the way, why didn't you ever tell us Belos was your father anyway?" Boscha asked

"Everyone has secrets. Heck, Zira isn't even my real name" Zira admitted

"HUH?!" Everyone except Hunter exclaimed, confused and surprised (maybe even flabbergasted)

"Yeah, my name is actually (Y/n). Fascinating, right?"

"And you decided to keep this hidden, why???" Matt asked

"As I said, everyone has secrets. Now, how about we figure out a way back to the isles?"


The Hexsquad (and Alador) took a private ship back to the isles. Apparently the journey would take round about a few days, so they got prepared

[Since this is a Lumity fanfic, I added something for you guys. Enjoy!]

Luz's POV:

I made my way over to Amity's ship room, wondering wanting to spend some alone time with my girlfriend after 2 stressful weeks trying to kill Bitchdalia (aka her dumbass mother fucking shit-eating mom)

Once I got to her door, I knocked on the hard wood

"Come in" She replied as I stepped inside

"Hey, Blight" I gretted her, sitting next to her on the bed. She was reading a book about human architecture

"Oh, hey Noceda. Need something?"

"What? Can I not visit my beautiful girlfriend?" I replied with a smirk

She smiled and sat up patting the area next to her

I moved over to that area, but before she could do anything else, I lifted her into my lap

"What? Eager to be near me?" She asked, turning around and wrapping her arms around my neck

I wrapped mine around her waist "Maybe. I am the one who wanted to visit you anyway"

"Well I'm glad. I wanted some alone time with you anyway"

"Oh yeah? What did you want to do in the alone time?"

"This" She leaned towards me and pressed her lips onto mine, pulling me into a passionate kiss

I tilted my head slightly to the side, deepening the kiss and pulling her closer to me. She took my beanie off and started running her hand through my hair. Soon, we parted away for air

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