Chapter 14

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Luz's POV:

I sat down in the bar next to Zira whilst helping them with the files

"You don't need to help me, you know. I'm used to this stuff" Zira said, reviewing the files

"Yeah, but still. You haven't gotten any rest in like what? 3 days now? You need to sleep" I said, placing a hand on their shoulder

Zira said nothing, but instead their scroll went of, symbolising that someone was trying to call them

They answered it almost immediately and started talking "Yes father?"

I quickly chucked a shoe at Edric who was laughing is ass off telling him to shut up,  because I had a feeling that Zira's dad was not someone you mess with

"Yes father. We have Odalia here with us and-" Zira turned around and we all faced the chair that Odalia was in

...or previously in...

"Hold on father, something just came up. I'll scroll call you back later" they hung up and quickly moved over to the chair, examining the burnt ropes
"Shit..." I heard them mutter under their breath "Everyone! Drop whatever your doing and secure the perimeter! Split up. We can't let her escape"

We all quickly sped out the room in different directions as Zira went downstairs to view the camera's

On my way out, I caught a glimpse of something that I didn't previously see on the files

"Emperor's guard take over?" I stopped in my tracks and went over to the files, reviewing them. They were worse than they seemed

"Nuclear shipping on the 4th from Serenous Island to the Boiling Isles? Trade in of troops coming from the Terenous Island on the 5th? New release of Abominations of Utter Annihilation on the 7th?" I quickly checked the date. The 31st. 5 days until Odalia becomes to dangerous to stop

But wait... There was more...
"Let the bratty kids kidnap me and make sure they follow me back to the manor for a nice treat... Shit, it's a trap!"

I quickly head downstairs over to the hacking room to see Zira concentrating on the screens "Zira! Call off the hunt for Odalia! Now!" I yelled

"We just located her. She's in Blight manor, I can't call it off now!" Zira yelled back

"No, you don't understand! That's what she wants! It's a trap!"

Zira's eyes widened in realization before they grabbed the mic "EVERYONE, RETREAT TO BASE NOW! IT'S A TRAP!"

"ROGER THAT!" They all yelled back

Everyone started heading back as Zira and I kept an eye on the camera's. Soon enough, everyone got back to base. We had succeeded in foiling one of Odalia's plans, but not the others

We head back up, the others looking out of breath

"How did you figure out that it was a trap?" Zira asked curiously

"This" I pointed to it, showing them the plans

"Fucking hell, this is bad..." Zira muttered "okay, everyone, take a breath, drink something, have something to eat, but whatever you do, DO NOT leave the base. It's no longer safe"

They all agreed and went to fetch something to drink as Zira went over to one of the doors that I had never noticed before

"Zira? Where are you going? Didn't you just say to not leave the base?" I asked walking up to them

"Yes. I did. But I need to pay someone a visit"

I nodded and went over to Amity, resting my arm around her shoulder as she leaned onto my chest. I wondered who was getting this "visit"

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