Chapter 10

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Luz's POV:

I woke up with a major headache. I could probably get Amity to heal it for me, but that wasn't the main issue. I couldn't remember anything past me drinking the potion yesterday

I tried to stretch my arm, but something held me down. I looked over to the problem and saw... Amity?

Huh, I must've slept next to her agai- WAIT WHERE ARE OUR CLOTHES?! What the fuck did we do last night? And why can't I remember it?

Whilst I was having my mini gay panic attack, Amity decided to wake up

"Morning Luz" Amity greeted, not phased at all by our state

"Morning Ams!" I said in an oddly high pitched voice "I- uh- I seem to not remember what happened yesterday evening? Do you mind refreshing my memory?"

"I gave you the attention I promised, remember?" Amity calmly stated, giving me a kiss on the cheek

"A-ah! Yes! Thank you for reminding me! Uh, I think it is time to get ready for school" I said, getting out of bed and moving towards her room

I heard voices in the kitchen, but I didn't question it and moved to my room to get changed

Once I was done I sat on my bed, the memories starting to come back. Three reactions came out that I could choose to use

"I...fucked Amity?"
"I fucked Amity!"
"I fucked Amity~"

I decided to go with the third option and play it smooth

I neatened my collar, and straighten my beanie, not forgetting to put on my bisexual pin

When I walked out, I saw Ed and Em leaning on the doorframe of the kitchen, smirking

"Hey, cutie" they said in sync

"Oh, hey guys. What're you doing here? And how long have you guys been here for?" I asked in an oddly good mood

"Long enough to know what you and mittens were doing last night. Boscha told that she accidentally switched the temporary platonic potion with the temporary lust potion" Em explained, still smirking

"Wait, what the fuck? How much did you hear?" I nervously asked

"Enough to hear that you two had a real good time" Ed smugly stated, shoulder bumping me

I gulped just as Amity came out in a bra and shorts

"Hey Luz, have you seen my- OH GREAT TITAN ABOVE, YOU TWO ARE HERE" She disappeared out of sight and came back with a shirt on, making me slightly disappointed, but I made sure not to show it

"Hey, mittens! How was your night~?" Em and Ed asked

"It-it was good" Amity responded, clearing her throat

"Well, we'll leave you two to it. You still have school today. Don't worry, we'll make sure to still be here afterwards" They said

Amity groaned and grabbed my hand, dragging me out the dorm, drawing a spell circle to put the rest of her clothes on and slamming the door behind her

"Let's just get to school" Amity said, continuing to drag me there


Once we got there, the others were waiting for us, as usual

"Hey Luz! Hey Amity!" Willow greeted

"Hey guys. How are all of you doing on this fantastic morning?" I asked, enthusiastically

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