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[TW: Death]

Once, there were two twin dragons. Sun and Star. Sun was a bright golden sandwing-nightwing with stunning green eyes, and Star was a blue-eyed dark magenta nightwing-sandwing with a silver teardrop scale. The two were best friends, so alike that the only difference apart from their personalities was that Sun was an animus, and Star was not.

Star always worried for her brother. Sun was full of pride and glory, and he was praised by everyone else. He had always been the favorite, having animus magic. Star always pushed back her doubts. He was her brother, of all dragons! She was supposed to be his life-long friend, not his enemy.

But, Star couldn't shake the feeling that something bad was to happen. Her visions kept getting stronger and more frequent, to the point where she hardly got any sleep because of nightmares. Visions of Sun overthrowing the queen and murdering innocent dragons clouded her dreams, and she couldn't take it anymore. Star had to stop her brother before anything bad happens.

Star crept up to the door of Sun's room. Luckily for her, it wasn't locked.

"Sun, wake up," she whispered.

"Huh? Why are you waking me up in the middle of the night, Star?"

"I'm.. I'm worried about you, Sun. You're using up to much of your soul. Mother and father can see it, too. Even Drought. We all can, everyone except you," she looked him dead in the eyes.

"Hah! Me, using up too much of my soul. That's funny, Star, go back to bed," Sun yawned.

"I see it in my visions! I- I see you, murdering everyone we love! I can't live like this, Sun!"

"Your visions are fake. You aren't Clearsight, you can't see everything."

"How would YOU know? You're to busy looking at yourself in the mirror, you don't deserve your magic!"

"If you can't stick with me through everything, WHAT KIND OF SISTER EVEN ARE YOU!?", Sun yelled, "I should just get rid of you, here and now!"

"Sun, no!", Star cried.

"I enchant a dagger to appear in front of me, and make it pierce perfectly into Star's heart," he whispered.

And so it did. Sun escaped through the window as the queen entered the room. "Sun? Star? I heard yelling and-"

She stopped, looking down at the almost lifeless body of Star. Star tilted her head up to just barely look her mother in the eyes.

"D-dragon of sea,

Trio of sand.

Dragon of sky,

To scorch the land.

Moons above,

The stars align,

A dragon of rain and night combined.

Far in the future,

Far from today,

The Sun will rise,

And bring dismay.

Deep in the forest,

Hidden inside,

Darkness grows,

And evil hides.

Find the one,

lost in time,

Or face the wrath,

of the Sun's crimes.

A New Dawn - WoF Book 16 [Fanfiction] ✔️Where stories live. Discover now