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"I hurt her," Firestorm said quietly. Leopard was still on the cold ground in front of them, her breathing shallow and shaky. They were in a small alleyway— they had just avoided the fire by a few inches.

"She's alive," Dusk said confidently as he felt the rainwing's pulse, "She'll make it out of this. She's strong."

"We should find the others," Firestorm appeared to try and change the subject. She didn't sound like herself. "They can't be far."

"There's a cliff, off in the distance," Dusk said as he pointed to a tall rocky cliff with ivy along the side.

He looked slowly outside of the alleyway to make sure that everything was clear. There was movement. A shadow flashed before him and disappeared as quick as it had come. He signaled Firestorm to fly up. The two dashed over to the cliff, as fast as they could— or, as fast as he could go carrying Leopard on his back— so that they wouldn't be spotted by anyone. 

The cliff that they landed on was much taller than it had seemed when they saw it from down in the alleyway.

"That's a long way down," Firestorm pointed out as she looked over the edge of the cliff. An arrow flew just next to his head, shooting itself off the cliff. He looked around.

"Sorry, sorry, sorry!"

He recognized Destiny's voice as she revealed herself from her hiding place in the bushes. "Thought you were one of the dragons that bombed the city. You are very loud, did you know that?"

"Well, we were trying to be quiet," Dusk retorted.

"Yeah, it's good that you were at least attempting to be quiet, or the whole forest would have heard you!"

Dusk forced himself to smile, "Yeah, yeah. Anyways, where are the others?"

"Right here," Snowstar said, gliding out of the treetops, followed by Mist, Seabreeze, Aloe, and Gila, who, for some reason, brought a bowl of soup.

"Gila, why did you bring the soup bowl?", Dusk tried to laugh.

"It's for emergencies! Like right now. Which is an emergency. So I am eating the emergency soup," he said, sipping the soup.

Snowstar's eyes flickered over to Leopard and widened as she realized the rainwing was there, badly burned and unconscious. "Leopard!", she exclaimed in fear and surprise as she hurried over to her. "Dusk? Firestorm? What happened?"

Firestorm looked down. "She- she was going to get hurt from the blast, so I-"

"Firestorm saved her. Leopard would have been killed from the explosion had Firestorm not grabbed her in time," Dusk finished for her.

"You did good," Destiny said as she walked over to Firestorm, "Her burns should heal, eventually."

Firestorm looked up and smiled, and Dusk wondered if things would ever be the same again after the past week.

A New Dawn - WoF Book 16 [Fanfiction] ✔️Where stories live. Discover now