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"Ohhhh Motherrrrrr!" Gila called from his room, which was locked from the outside. Somehow Queen Kyanite had forgotten to lock the window as well, so Dusk, Aloe, Mist, Seabreeze, and the others, had snuck in through there to talk to him and where now hiding in the oversized closet in the corner of the room.

"I'm not unlocking your door. What is it this time, Gila? This is the fourth time."

"I made souuuuuuuuppp!"

"How did you make soup in your room?"

"Oh mother. I always have soup in my room."


"Aaaanyways. Try the soup," Gila said, trying not to laugh as his mother unlocked the door and entered the room.


As soon as Queen Kyanite grabbed the bowl, a fake toy dragonbite viper launched itself out of the soup.

"AAAAAAAAAAHHHH! GILA!", she yelled as the soup bowl hit her on the head, "YOU'RE GROUNDED FOR AN EXTRA MONTH NOW!"

"Only if you can catch me!" He yelled as he flew out the window.

Snowstar opened the closet door. "Gila!? Did you just jump out the window?"

"YES!", Gila called, "FREEDOM!"

A New Dawn - WoF Book 16 [Fanfiction] ✔️Where stories live. Discover now