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"Hellfire...", the leader hissed, "I have a task for you."

The green-eyed skywing looked up at the dragon. "Yes?", she replied, intrigued. 

She wasn't sent outside of the fortress for her missions often. It risked them getting caught, even though the fortress was so well hidden, it was hard to find even for those that new it was there. You had to know your way around, had to be there for years at the minimum to truly know your way around the forest. And once you were in, you had to know your way around in there, too, or you wouldn't last a day. Outsiders weren't easily welcomed. You had to prove you were trustworthy, or you were thrown out; or worse...

"Kill the prophecy dragonets," he said darkly. His face was shadowed with a hood. No one had ever saw his face, not that she knew of.

"Kill the- what? Kill the prophecy dragonets? With all do respect, why? What could possibly be the point of that?"

"They.." he seemed almost puzzled for a second, twirling the small dagger in his talon, "They will interfere with my plans. I read the future. If they aren't killed, our organization could fall. This cannot happen. Kill them in the next five nights, and you will be heavily rewarded."

She thought it over for a second before finally deciding.


"I'll do it."

A New Dawn - WoF Book 16 [Fanfiction] ✔️Where stories live. Discover now