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Dusk looked around. Infinite darkness. He tried to blink it away, but it didn't work. Where was this?

"Where am I?", he called out into the void of nothingness.

A light purple and tan sandwing-nightwing hybrid, with dark blueish purple eyes appeared in front of him. "This is your dream," the dragon replied, "and I am Queen Geode, of the sandwings."

"I heard about you!", exclaimed Dusk, "You're like, my great-great-great grandmother, or something!"

She smiled. "That's correct."

"Is this real? Are you real?"

"I am, and I am not. There is no real or fake," Geode grinned.

"How is that possible?" questioned Dusk.

"I once knew a dragon named Hypothermia. She was a lot like you, Dusk, when you put it into perspective. She used to say, that the world isn't painted in black and white, but shades of grey. And she's right."

Dusk didn't think he'd ever been more confused in his life.

Geode continued, "Anyways, there's something I need to tell you. Your life is going to get harder, and things are going to change soon. But you need to find the light and follow it. You are your best asset. You can do this. I believe in you."

The world seemed to start glitching as Queen Geode faded away. "Goodbye, Dusk."

"Goodbye," he whispered.

He woke up to Gila shaking his wing. "Dusk! Dusk wake up!"

"Huh?" he looked to Gila.

"You were mumbling in your sleep."

"Ah, ok."

"What were you dreaming about?"

"Nothing. Nothing important."

A New Dawn - WoF Book 16 [Fanfiction] ✔️Where stories live. Discover now