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Traveling— that's all the group had been doing for days. The four-day journey across the continent was harder than it looked. Much, much harder. The sun was setting behind them in the west. Dusk knew they were getting closer—just another few minutes of flying. If the Sea Kingdom hadn't been so far away, they probably would have already gotten that prophecy seawing and gotten out. Except, the prophecy never specified which seawing. It could be virtually any seawing in the entire tribe, how would they know?

"Firestorm!" Leopard exclaimed, breathing heavily while flying, "HOW are you not tired?"

"I am a skywing, remember?", she replied, with a surprisingly calmer tone to her voice than usual as she looked over at the rainwing.

 "I'm not tired," Seabreeze said as she barrel-rolled through the air before returning to a soft glide, "I could fly ALL DAY."

Dusk flew slightly behind them, letting his wings catch the air currents and gliding along with his cousin.

"Hey look!", Destiny called, excitedly, "There's the island! And there's a bunch of seawings! We're here!"

"FINALLY," Leopard said, relieved as the group landed on the sand clearing below them. Small waves crashed over Dusk's talons as he examined the small island town that they had landed in. It was mostly markets, but there were a few small houses off to the left. A brightly colored pink and purple seawing looked up at them.

"Hi there!", she said, cheerfully. Her voice was deep and she had an accent that Dusk thought was similar to that of a icewing, "I'm Aegean, and this is my little brother, Crow."

A smaller dark blue seawing with green-yellow eyes and a decent-sized scar across his chest looked up at the group of dragons in front of him. "Yeah, uhm, hi. I'm Crow. It's a weird seawing name, I know but..", he trailed off and then looked away shyly.

"Hi Aegean, hi Crow! I'm Snowstar, do either of you know anything about a proph—" Snowstar lifted her talon but Leopard slapped it away. "Snowstar!" she growled quietly and pulled the icewing/nightwing to the side, "You can't just go around telling everyone that we're prophecy dragonets! It will attract.." she looked around cautiously, "Unwanted visitors.."

"Unwanted visitors? Leopard, you're overreacting," she said, much loudly than Leopard would have liked.

"No, I'm serious! The more dragons that know about us, the more risk of one of us getting killed, captured, or worse!" Leopards scales had hints of orange and red in them.

Snowstar looked like she was about to reply again, but was interrupted by Aegean. "What was it that you were going to say?"

"Uhh..", Leopard stammered, her thoughts racing as she tried to think of something to say in response, "Have you seen any.. uhm.. soup shops! Yeah! We are looking for a soup shop. A shop that sells bowls of soup. Yes, that is totally what we are doing and nothing suspicious is going on  here."

"Ooooooo-kay, I think there's a store towards the left of the biggest house that sells soup, maybe try looking there?"

"Wait, we were getting soup and no-one told me? What?" Gila exclaimed.

None of the other dragons answered Gila until they were out of earshot from the seawings.

"No, Gila, we aren't really getting soup. It was a cover-up so that the seawings don't learn that we're from the prophecy," Firestorm explained.

A large BOOM sounded from somewhere near them, followed by fire and smoke lighting up whatever was over in that direction. Leopard's whole body turned a light green and her face went pale.

"I know that sound."

A New Dawn - WoF Book 16 [Fanfiction] ✔️Where stories live. Discover now