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Dusk hated mornings. Especially when his older brother, Gila, liked to wake him up before the sun even rose. Even Queen Kyanite wasn't awake that early.

Well, this morning was no different than the other mornings, because here was Gila, aggressively poking Dusk on the wing while saying. "Wake up. Wake up. Wake up, Dusk, it's 5:00 AM. Dusk?"

"Come back in four hours and maybe I'll wake up then," Dusk yawned.

Gila got an idea and ran out of the room.

"Oh no."

"Oh YES," Gila said as he poured an entire bucket of ice-cold water over Dusk's head.


"Who else to I have to wake up? Mother would probably kill me if I did that to Aloe."

"Go wake up Mist or Seabreeze. At least they'd like someone dumping ICE-COLD WATER ON THEIR HEADS."

"Aw. but hearing you scream about it is the fun part. If they don't scream when I pour water on their heads then it's not fun to wake them up."

"Bet. Go dump water on their heads and see if they yell at you or not. Also I'm coming with you because there is no chance of going back to bed right now."

Eventually after walking through what felt like a mile of castle stairs, they finally got to the very bottom floor where Seabreeze and Mist's rooms were.

"I'll get Mist, you go for Seabreeze," Dusk whispered to Gila.

"Got it," Gila responded.




As soon as Dusk dumped the water on Mist's head she immediately looked up and yelled "NOO DON'T KILL ME EVIL DARKSTALKER PINEAPPLE- oh wait it's just you Dusk. Hi."

"Oh hiii, Mist, nothing strange is going on here. Just normal morning stuff-"

"Gila woke you up again, didn't he."


"I worry for his sanity sometimes."

"Right now I'm worried about the fact that Seabreeze hasn't screamed yet. We made a bet."

"Nah, Seabreeze likes the cold. Seawing genetics, I guess. Want to go make sure Gila isn't dead?"

"Yeah sure."

A New Dawn - WoF Book 16 [Fanfiction] ✔️Where stories live. Discover now