Chapter 2

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Sunghoon: *shouts in frustration* What has happened to me?!

Assistant: Sir do u require something?

Sunghoon: No just go away... I will call u when needed.

Assistant: Ohh ohk sir

She swiftly went out not wanting to disturb him anymore... She knows that when he feels frustrated he needed some space for himself...

"Every one listen to me" ... Some one announced and everyone looked at the COO of the YG group or Kim Jennie , the most trusted .

Jennie: We got the deal with QWERZ !!! * saying that her along with everyone shouted with joy and laughter filled the room*

Emp 1: Ma'am , so our new CEO is a capable one.

Emp 2: What do u expect her to be dumb like u? Or like the future CEO of  CVL PARK?? huh?

Everyone laughed out loud like they were the one who won the battle.. funny .
But still their company won means they won...but the real thing was as y/n was experienced as CEO for like one year nearly that what made her confident..

Y/n arrived smiling as everyone greeted her with big round of applause and loud cheers ... Their young CEO made it .

It was such a happy moment for her ... Her eyes felt glossy in tears of happiness ...that all her hardwork payed off.

Jennie: Y/n , we kept a party and already invited many groups for our great day..

Y/n: Ahh I really had to work today regarding something... Is it really today??

Jennie: Yes today and it's ur choice if u want to be present in ur own party or not. *With an wink she left y/n to decide what all to do now*

Jennie was really a good friend of y/n ... Yes Jennie got that job on her own as she is very smart and capable... But y/n doubted on herself for her to be less capable than her father who is the past CEO .

Y/n sat down in her office listing all the details of the new k-pop group she is forming .. or it can be said that QWERZ is forming a group in YG .

She dialed the CEO of QWERZ ....

On call

Y/n: Hello Mr Lee .. I think we should keep the meeting tomorrow at 10 am since it will be hectic for all of us to attend the meeting today..

Lee Heeseung: Ah you can call me Heeseung as we r of same age... Btw since we will be attending the party let's decide it there..

Y/n: Ohk . Let's meet there.

Call ended.

Time skip

Y/n was already done getting ready and was about to leave when her elder brother asked ...

Hyunjin: Y/n will u drive or come with us in my car? ... Yeji and I both are going in the same car.

Y/n: Okayy , i really never wanted to drive today atleast...

She was tired after a long meeting today and journey too so she decided to hop on her brother's car.

Yeji: U look average compared to me.

Y/n: As if I asked ...

Yeji: *laughed* Oii I was joking... U look the best out of us three.

Y/n: *feeling shy* ahh thanku yeji

Y/n was the youngest out of the three siblings...while hyunjin and yeji were twins.

The Hwang siblings arrived at the place where the party was held and they looked so surprised to each other ...

Y/n: Woow the decoration is just my type..

Just then her bestie Jennie arrived

Jennie: U like it? I gave the whole plan ...though it was a short time to do everything we still managed.. hehe

Yeji: Jennie - ah it's really so beautiful decoration..

Hyunjin: You guys stay there looking the decoration and i am going inside ..

They all went inside still complementing every bit they see...

Sunghoon had already arrived early due to his earnings to see her .. he kept on searching the girl he met there in Busan ...

Suddenly everyone gathered near the entrance... He was unable to view anything what was going on ... just then Jimin spoke up..

Jimin: Do u wanna go and check what's going on?

Sunghoon: The crowd is making me curious.. really..let's go.

Yes y/n was the reason of the gathering... She made her way out of the crowd not at all glancing anywhere she straight went to the stage taking a mic.

All looked at her admiring her .. along with Sunghoon and Jimin .

Jimin: So she is the CEO

Sunghoon: how do u know?

Jimin: Do u even have ur Google? Search there

Sunghoon quickly searched and the results shocked him..

Sunghoon: She is just 21? And already so successful?

Jimin: *smiled* She is a star obviously.

When y/n's voice came from the mic everyone stopped and concentrated on her...

Y/n: Good evening everyone.. I became the official CEO of  YG just one year ago .. as i told my father not to throw a party regarding that they listened to me...but now after such a big deal with the QWERZ , they just ignored me in all ways to throw a party to you guys... I am really sorry if anyone was offended due to the rush of the timing of the party..*smiling* thank you everyone for coming here ... Let's enjoy the party .

The CEO of QWERZ entered the stage ..

Heeseung: It was such a great honour to be able to be part of a great project by YG COMPANY..

While Heeseung was giving his speech .. y/n got down to go to the bar to get a drink.

Sunghoon noticed her and was about to go to her ... Then someone arrived to her making him stop ..

He was looking from afar that it was Yang jungwon , the Youngest Millionaire of korea ...with whom she was talking..Yang Jungwon was a self build millionaire unlike y/n or anyone else...which got him the title " Youngest And Millionaire"

Seems like they r close...
I can't tolerate anyone near her... Sunghoon thought

So he went outside to get some fresh air.. he had nothing to do for now..
But atleast he was satisfied that he was able to see her again for the second time... The same beautiful eyes and her tall confident figure..he loved it all.

Fate: Why Me? | Park SunghoonWhere stories live. Discover now