Chapter 14

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Standing inside the house with her luggage... She was puzzled.
Why is there so much lighting inside? For me?

Everyone smiled at her .... welcoming her into their house..

Mrs park: My beautiful daughter in law must be tired ... Sunghoon take her to ur room....we will be going to sleep now ...good night*yawn*

Mr park: Good night guys..

Jennie and Jimin went straight to sleep after saying good night from upstairs.

Here y/n standing alone confused...

Sunghoon: Here this way..come

Taking her luggage he went upstairs leading the way to his room...

Sunghoon: So u can change first I am waiting outside..

Y/n nodded closing the door.

None of them had any eye contact after coming to the house.

Sunghoon sat outside smiling and blushing in his own .... Maybe because his wife is y/n now...that's why...
Sunghoon was also tired not to lie...

After some time y/n opened the door revealing her in sweatpants and tshirt.

Sunghoon thought
Pretty as usual ... When will I hug u??

Y/n: U can go now....

Sunghoon came out of his thoughts and closed the door leaving her outside...

Y/n was sleepy but what bothered her was that there was a single bed and no couch ...
Aishh!!! Where will I sleep? It's not okay to sleep together me god.

Sunghoon opened the door asking her to come inside...

Sunghoon: Let me get the lotion for ur feet ....

He ran down stairs to bring a tube of lotion..
Umm ... Husband works? Or responsibility?

At first y/n was hesitating to let him touch her feet but as Sunghoon forced ...she couldn't keep up with she gave up...
Sunghoon applied the lotion carefully and went to wash his hands... obviously.

Y/n: Umm r u uncomfortable sleeping beside me-

Sunghoon: Uh no it's ok..

Y/n nodded keeping her head on a pillow....
Same for Sunghoon.... putting his head on the pillow he felt butterflies in his stomach...

Is this real? I have a wife? And she is y/n?The eyes I met that day? The charismatic character, with whom I fell in love with?... Sunghoon thought.

And y/n was in deep sleep ....

We can say that she was comfortable here to fall asleep so soon...

Let us see what happens next day....<3

Getting up early she realised her feet was healed.
Smiling at herself she turned around to look at her husband... He was sleeping in peace like a baby..

Smiling for the second time , she realised she needs to get ready as it was already 7:00 am.

Time skip
8:30 am

Y/n went downstairs wearing her formal clothes...
She saw a maid was making breakfast...

Y/n: Umm can u please tell them when they wake up that I am going for my office....

Maid: Yes sure...have some breakfast?

Y/n: I would love to but I need to go now... thanks.

Driving her car she went off.

Fate: Why Me? | Park SunghoonWhere stories live. Discover now