Chapter 21

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Today is the release day of y/n from hospital.

Everyone is happy but y/n is not .

While y/n was in bed rest , the office works were taken care of by Jennie.... And Lisa too .... But other than that no-one knows about y/n's condition...

Not even Hyunjin or Yeji or jungwon....but Mr and Mrs Park came to know about her daughter in law and her worse condition is due to their son , Sunghoon.

They were not talking to Sunghoon since the day they came to know about her..

Y/n was deeply staring at the saline water that was hung up.

How come my life became so miserable? It's my fault... I should have never fallen in love in the first.

When Jennie, Jimin, Sunghoon, Mr and Mrs Park entered,she was startled...

Jennie: Y/n?
She called her softly.

Y/n looked at her, eyes screaming so much pain..

Jennie: Let's go home ok?

Mrs Park: Now that i am home I will take u  safely...

Y/n stared at them blankly.
It's not that she did want to stay in the hospital but staying under the safe roof with him was not sitting right.

Y/n spoke slowly " I don't want to go home"

Jennie held her hands , requesting" For me atleast?"

Y/n turned her head towards Jennie " Tell me how can I forget that?"

Y/n was lucky enough to have her all the memories safe ... nothing was lost ....but sadly maybe it not at all lucky for her... She wanted her memories to be wiped out ....but

Does fate even give a fuck about your wishes?

Jimin spoke out " Y/n? Just trust me , we will try our best to help you forget everything... "

Y/n: It needs magic to forget everything... Funny

Jimin: Can't u give us a chance atleast?

Y/n nodded " Fine "

Jennie thought she is trying so hard to forget everything....

Bringing y/n home somehow, she went to shower .... As always,  Jennie helped her showering as the only trusted person of y/n.

Wearing fresh clothes, fresh perfume, combing her hair , Jennie was finally satisfied.

Jennie: Now u look right... Pretty

Y/n was surprised by looking at the mirror...she was looking too much feminine...that was not her style....

Y/n: But i am not sure if it is me ...

Jennie: What about a change? A new beginning?

Y/n: Ok then.... thanks

Jennie: Promise me to not smoke or drink from today....

Y/n hesitated at first but decided to give her little finger to join with Jennie's little finger... Here a promise was made..

Little did she know that promises are meant to be broken...

Y/n and Jennie went downstairs to eat lunch ...

Everything was prepared perfectly...all y/n's favourite dishes and soft drinks.... Desserts also...

Everyone was present but her husband was not there.... Sunghoon decided to stay at the guest room because y/n breaks down whenever she looks at him ... .. also he wanted to isolate himself from her as he has caused enough problem in her life...not anymore...

Fate: Why Me? | Park SunghoonWhere stories live. Discover now