Chapter 6

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Her father was no longer in this world...he left her alone with a stranger whom she was destined with ..

I love u father ...
I will miss u
I know that i had no words with u after the announcement... sorry for it why u left ?
Am I the reason?
My sadness was unbearable?
U couldn't see me crying?
U thought I hate u?
It's just I felt sorry for my fate....i can't hate u dad
So u also left mom did..

Tears were not there in her eyes... But just blank emotions....a dessert where u cannot find any was like that...

Hyunjin and yeji told her to go home while they did all the arrangements of the funeral..

So y/n went away not to home but to the empty street...
How come my sweet life has turned into this?
It wasn't supposed to be like this..

Just then she saw someone standing before her with a glass bottle in hand..

Y/n felt unsafe and was about to run when the man threw the bottle to her head hitting it....blood started to drip out...
She was losing sense... somehow someone came to help but she couldn't recognise him ... Totally blacked out..

Yes it was Sunghoon who followed her from the hospital....he knew she wasn't going home but elsewhere..
Sunghoon took her to his car and took her home ..
Not his home but to Y/n's home....he first aided it and layed her on her bed...she looked so sad even when sleeping..

Sunghoon could say that she cried for the tear stains on her cheek ... putting a duvet on her he left the house...

Next morning

Waking up suddenly...she remembered what happened yesterday only to cry again...
She felt hurt two times...
Touching the bandage she thought to herself..
How come i reached here? Who helped me?
As long as i i don't remember anything...

She jumped out of her bed to go down stairs...
Only to remember that all the preparation was for her father's funeral..

Looking at her miserable state ....
Yeji also felt teary...not that she hasn't cried...but how can she show it to others? She is the elder one ...she need to manage everything..right??

Hyunjin went to y/ get her to her room and not to show father's body..

Y/n cried out calling "appa" ...the tears were drenching his clothes...but he couldn't do anything...

After a while she stopped..
Crying won't solve anything...then shall I laugh?
Like my enemies are laughing at me now?
A-Appa please come back ....I will listen to u appa ....sorry

Wearing some pretty clothes she attended the funeral...

All of her friends were there but no one dared to go near her...
Lisa: What has gotten into her?
Jungwon: She wore pretty today.
Jennie: I wish I could hug her saying everything will turn out good..
Lisa: Kinda looks she has cried a lot ... even before coming here
Jungwon was feeling upset that he had nothing to do for her ...

Y/n came near them and spoke out
Y/n: Let's go the bar

Lisa: U have gone crazy?

Y/n: Well I can't deny that though....if interested come in front of my house sharp 8 pm

With that she left them dumbstruck...

Jungwon: I can't go as i have to leave today for hawaii ...i have a mission there .

Lisa: Then we will go atleast for her sake .... We need her alive

Jennie:I am having a get together with Jimin's I can't go too sryy

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