Chapter 23

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Few days later

Around 10 am

Jennie was lying on the couch scrolling her phone..

Y/n tapped her head , " Jen get up , it's time already"

Jennie looked at y/n with doe eyes , " Can I not go today?"

Y/n laughed, pinching her cheeks, " Umm , what about leaving early? "

Jennie closed her eyes in disapproval " No please"

Y/n: Okay, attend the meeting online then ...bye see you later

Jennie asked " When are u coming home?"

Y/n: I don't know it will be late today.... They will be doing their first live so ...... Ah one more thing i forgot to say...

Jennie: What!

Y/n: Jungwon will be in Korea soon ... I think you won't be available by then

Jennie: Particularly when?

Y/n: He said three weeks but it will take more than that I am 100 percent sure ...

Jennie: Ishhh!!!

Y/n laughed at her cuteness...
Y/n: Mom Jennie will be the best one ... fighting

Jennie laughed " Hehe , bye "

Everything was normal but Y/n and Sunghoon not communicating .
Y/n didn't even bother to think about him and waste her time because she knew that if she allows her heart , it will fall for him again.

Weeks passed >>>

Jennie was running all around the house while packing her bag... She is kind of messy not to lie.

Y/n laughed at her when she was about to break her phone...

Jennie: Aishh it was about to fall... God saved me.

Y/n : Why are u so clumsy gurl?

Jennie: Do ur work ...

Y/n laughed off ... This side of Jennie was y/n's favourite.. A childish one that is very dear to her...

Y/n was much more mature than Jennie as she was forced to grow up early....

Jennie came jumping on couch....
Y/n: What?

Jennie: Lisa messaged me ... She is coming here ... What do we need to order?

Time : 8:00 pm

Y/n : What are you craving?

Jennie grinned " Chicken noodles and pancakes"

Y/n: Your cravings have weird yet amazing combinations... But no need to order.. i will make it.... specially it will be bad for ur baby if u eat outside food regularly....

Jennie: Ok ok

Y/n: Do u forget that a little one is inside u ... It needs good healthy food ...not junk food...

Jennie: I only ate pizza yesterday

Y/n: What the !! How many times i told u not to eat junk .... ??!

Jennie: Now stop nagging .....

Y/n: Huh! I am just telling the truth ok?

Jennie: Lisa will be coming already .... Let me complete my packing.... And u go to cook ....

Mrs park was in the kitchen when y/n entered ...

Y/n: Umm can I cook today? My friend will be coming...

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