Chapter 20

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" I can't stop my tears if I want to because you are the reason of the tears "

Going to her own house she went to the roof again smoking but this time she was also drinking...

The pain she was bearing grew more after she saw him today.


Sunghoon was devastated.

Watching her totally broken made him slap himself... This should not be called love ..

Jimin: I am not able to see her condition

Jennie: Sunghoon! Was it really necessary to hurt her?!! WHY DID U HURT HER???DO U CALL THIS LOVE??? YOU KNOW WHAT SHE IS SICK NOW... TOTALLY BROKEN.... drinking, smoking, suicidal attempts nothing is left .... U made her try everything...

Sunghoon's eyes was already wet , the tears were disgusting for Jennie to look at

Jennie: She cried in her shower for hours .... Fainting in her office, car , house, road, meetings where not....but she still has her smile on just for people to know that she is happy in her married life... With u ..

Jimin: Jennie? Do u know where can we find her now?

Jennie laughed.
Jennie: Like always fainted somewhere on the road...

Sunghoon looked at Jennie, her words looked impossible

Jennie: Shocked?! Many things are left to know still....

Jimin took Jennie's hand asking " R u sure? We can find her ?"

Jennie said "yes" pushing his hands...
Turning to Sunghoon...

Jennie: Won't u find her? I think u don't need her anymore...

Sunghoon shaked his head as a no saying " W-where is she?"

Driving all the places but y/n was nowhere to be seen....

Fate can be really selfish at times...

Other than Jimin , both of them were crying badly...

Finally Sunghoon came up with a place where y/n can be found ....." Maybe she is at her house?"

Jimin made a sharp turn , gearing up the car on the way to y/n 's house..

There was no light visible inside the house....they were disappointed with that...but sometimes our guts feel different..

Jennie requested " Can we try to open this?"

Jimin: We don't know the password, damn.

Sunghoon: I t-think I know the password....

Maybe because he has been visiting her house before, he knew the password.

Yes, they were thankful that he remembered the password....y/n's dad's birthday were the numbers.

Running here and there finally Sunghoon found her at the terrace...
Totally shattered by the view ....
Y/n lying down looking at the sky , the tear drops shining in the moonlight, the dress she was wearing is wet due to the drinks and a cigarette lying beside.

Love, I am sorry..... Sorry for my mistake, sorry for hurting u , sorry for breaking ur heart , sorry for Fallin in love with u .... If i hadn't fallen in love with you that day maybe we weren't meant to be like this....

Running towards her , he cupped her face .... Trying to kiss her lips .....

But why would she let him kiss her when those lips touched some other girl?!

Fate: Why Me? | Park SunghoonWhere stories live. Discover now