Chapter 28

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Waking up early, y/n made a bold decision.
She needs to see him . Opening his door , she looked at him softly.

Though her eyes were little puffy, but in compare to his swollen nose and lips , she could understand that he also cried last night.

His sleeping figure was too peaceful to watch.

Without disturbing him , she closed the door quietly. Being his wife , she had full rights to disturb him but right now? No they weren't that close .

The curfew will be over , at  9:00 am .

So today she will be able to go to office. Since a lot of work was left . And talking about Jennie, she was worried about her because what if Jennie didn't knew about the curfew and stuffs ...... So she decided to call her once she goes to office.

Time 8:30 am

Taking her car keys , she went out the house only to realise that her car was parked in her office. That night , she was brought home by Sunghoon.

Slapping her forehead , "Oh shitt!! Now what?!"
Returning back to the house , she was deciding whether to call him or take his car ?

Finally coming to a decision, she starts to walk to his room .

Y/n: Ummm.... Morning!

Sunghoon was awake and looked at her in a questioning look.

Sunghoon decided not to reply back.

Y/n: Can I take your car please? My car is not here so..

Sunghoon thought whether he should offer her to drop her or just let her take the car ....hmmm

Y/n: If you are going to office then u can say that... I will call Lisa .

Sunghoon: You can take my car .

Y/n looked at him but there was no smile on his lips . She missed it.

Y/n nodded " thanks"

Shall their interactions be so much awkward? It is true that they were not perfect but husband wife is expected to be loving each other right?

Driving off to her company by his car felt really good.
Husband 's car ... and he let me take it for today.

Sitting inside the office, " Sana ! Call the meeting that was postponed..... Time 2 pm."

Sana" okay ma'am "

Y/n called Jennie as soon as possible...

On call

Jennie : Hey ! I know it don't have to explain...

Y/n: what are you doing so late? I didn't expect you to pick up though...

Jennie: I was researching about the meeting.... at 7 am , here , as you told now.

Y/n knew that it was not the reason she was awake.

Y/n: Weren't you awake because our curfew will end at 9 here?

Jennie: May be haha

Y/n: Jennie -ah , thank you for everything but right now Bell is more important than me .

Jennie: Bell??

Y/n: I will call the baby by that name untill we know who is it... Can I?

Jennie: You will be the best aunt for bell.

Y/n laughed softly at her complement.

Jennie: Do you know when jungwon will come?

Y/n: He hasn't messaged me yet so no idea ...

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