Chapter 33 ( Final)

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Few days later

Jennie was cradling her baby and y/n was sitting and gossiping with her.

Jennie still continued doing her office works online but the thing that was different from then that y/n is no longer the CEO .

Jennie: have you thought about joining as CEO once again?

Y/n : Nah I am ok like this ... I get more time to spend with him now .

Jennie nodded ..." You know it's wierd for you to be a housewife? Because you are so talented and now your talent is useless "

Y/n : But the thing that matters is that we are happy.

Jennie was still not convinced by the fact that y/n decided to be a housewife.

Month later

Y/n was cooking in the kitchen alone .
As none of them were at home , she decided to make something for herself.

Jennie and Jimin went to her mother's house with their baby .
And Mr and Mrs park were in USA with their friends.
Sunghoon was in his office... Nowadays he has been in the office most of the time as Jimin was out of Seoul.

While amidst of her thoughts, her phone rings ..
On call
Y/n: Hmm

Sunghoon: You are ok?

Y/n: Yea

Sunghoon: I will be home early today ... Let's go somewhere after that ok?

Y/n was still not happy .

Y/n: Ok

Sunghoon: Darling what happened?

Y/n: Uh nothing

Sunghoon was worried.
Sunghoon: Okay ... I will call you later.

Call ended.

Y/n was feeling lonely and sick . And she had no one to talk to other than him.

It was already evening, but Sunghoon was not home.

Y/n fell asleep waiting for him.

A call came but she didn't even pick up ...she was in deep sleep.

Getting up she checked the time ...9:40 pm?

Y/n: He is late today too

Y/n opened the door and went outside. She decided to go to her father's cemetery because it was long time she had no visit .

The cool breeze was good but she was not in a mood to call him and nag at him again.
As she knew that he tries to come early but somehow he couldn't.

Reaching the cemetery, she sits there feeling the atmosphere. It's always calm there . Now she realised that she really misses her office life.


Sunghoon came home but couldn't find y/n .
Watching her mobile kept on the table , he knew she went outside without it .

" I thought to give her a surprise but looks like she is angry "

He also goes out to the place he knew, where y/n maybe was present.

Boom! And he was right .
In the cemetery, his wife was sitting alone.

Sunghoon quietly goes to her .

" Darling ? "

Y/n recognised his voice .
Y/n: Today also

Sunghoon hugged her softly " Babe sorry "

Y/n looked into his eyes , " You always say that "
Her eyes shining in the moonlight.

Sunghoon smiled " I have a surprise for us "

Y/n: Hmm?

Sunghoon: I have booked tickets for Venice ...

Y/n looked unhappy...

Sunghoon: You are not happy?

Y/n: No it's not that but i just want to spend time with you only

Sunghoon kissed her lips softly, " It's only for us both ... I won't invite anyone else, love"

Y/n finally felt happy, she pulled him towards her and pecks his lips saying " I love you ".

Few days later

" Love? Are you ready ?"

Y/n hurried and answered him " Yeah yeah few mins"

Sunghoon laughed... He knew that she was anxious.

Few minutes later she comes down wearing pretty blue outfit.

Sunghoon: U look pretty

Y/n blushed" You too "

Not to lie both of them were perfect for each other

While going out , Mrs park shouts " I want a good news before anything else, remember that"

Both of them became flustered at her comment.
Yeah , even though they were married for long time but such physical touches were not yet done.

So , maybe , it was not easy for them not to blush.

Time skip

Standing inside the hotel , Sunghoon whispered
" So, ummm... About my mom.... I mean ..."

Y/n understood what he wanted.
Y/n: It's ok , parents are like this only

Sunghoon: What about u?

Y/n: What about me?

Sunghoon: Umm... A baby ?

Y/n: W-what?

Sunghoon: I want a baby please

Y/n: That means you planned this for that purpose?!

Sunghoon: No no never ..

Y/n was quiet.

Sunghoon: Let's make out

Y/n was surprised by his straight forwardness.

Y/n whispered " What the fuck are you even saying??"

Sunghoon laughed " okay my wife is shy i understand...I am stopping now"

Y/n: Umm I am not shy Mr Park Sunghoon


3 years later

" Shelly ! Come here and take your bag " , Jennie shouted.

Y/n smiled, combing Shelly 's hair " Now go, mom is calling"

Sunghoon came downstairs with baby Eunwoo .
" He is crying "

Y/n walks up to him , holding her baby .
" Mummy is here baby ... Don't cry "

Y/n: I couldn't sleep whole night because of his crying and still now he is not stopping.

Sunghoon: Babe sorry

Y/n looked at him surprised " For what?"

Sunghoon: For asking for a child

Y/n smiled, her eyes beautifully shining, " I am happy with u and Eunwoo. And u don't need to be sorry "

Sunghoon hugged her placing his head on her shoulder.

" Then let's make another baby "

Y/n remained in shock , while he smirked and walks away upstairs.


Fate in inevitable and the most beautiful thing that happened to y/n and Sunghoon.

It might look like something evil but it's the thing that leads us to heaven.


Written By hawtandsweet

Thank you

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