Chapter 27

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Y/n was frustrated as there was was electricity since yesterday.

Neither microwave nor her tv was working...

Y/n: Aish!! I am tired of u
She said to the microwave...

Waiting for some miracle to happen that her microwave starts working, but sadly nothing happens.

Rolling her eyes , she goes to the fridge to get something.
" Why is there only vegetable?.. oh , i have not done grocery since they have left "

Closing the fridge she goes to the cupboard,
" Oh! Yes! Cookies? Looks good"

Taking the packet of cookies, she went to the couch . That was her lunch ? Yeah.

Sunghoon comes downstairs, looking at y/n who was having cookies.

Sunghoon: You woke up now?

Y/n: um? No

Sunghoon: It's lunch time but cookies?

Y/n: Your microwave is not working, neither there is anything in the fridge nor there is cereals that i eat . What should I do??!

Sunghoon controlled his laugh looking at frustrated y/n.

Sunghoon nodded " Okay eat whatever you want"

Y/n: Only option is cookies.

Sunghoon: Ohk as you wish

She was pissed off because he was just care free .

Sunghoon walks to the kitchen.
Shouting from there " There is a lot of things in the fridge though!!!"

Y/n was surprised that he went to check the fridge.

Y/n runs to the kitchen, " Only some vegetables and beef "

Sunghoon: Yes ... Those are eatables right?

Y/n nodded " I am not hungry anymore, i had a lot of cookies . Do whatever u want "

Sunghoon asked" Don't you eat beef?"

Y/n was ashamed because it was the most popular thing there.
Y/n: Uh no

Sunghoon: Really?!

Y/n: Yeah so what

Sunghoon: I like to eat beef

Y/n: Okay?so?

Sunghoon: Can you please make me a dish ?

Y/n felt pathetic towards his tone .... He looked like a child wanting for food from his mom.

When she was not answering he asked again
" Please, i can help u, but i can't make it "

Y/n felt sorry for him " Okay, move"

Sunghoon was happy listening her answer ....
He wanted to hug her but sadly it was not the right time.

The string between a husband and wife was not strong enough to pull both of them close for now.

Sunghoon smiled and left the kitchen quietly.
He was glad that his wife can cook ...
" Yes ! Yes! Beef!!!!made by my wife?! Hahaha"
He whispered to himself while jumping.

Y/n was making a curry with beef and rice , only for him .
Somehow she felt happy to make it for him .
Though she doesn't like it , she knew how to prepare it because her father liked it too.

Appa? He likes beef too .
I am seriously mad because how can people like such thing? Huh?
And he is not even thinking about trying to make it .. directly asking me to make it .

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