Chapter 16

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Eating together was new for the young couple.
They have never dated before...

Y/n: How is the food?

Sunghoon: It is good ... A little bit salt is required.

Y/n tasted it .

Y/n: umm it's ok for me though...

Sunghoon: Since when do u know how to cook?

Y/n: Since my father became busy in his work...I had to do the cooking....but later on we decided to take a maid...

Sunghoon: We also have maids but today is their off day....till tomorrow noon.

Y/n: Ohh

Sunghoon: Can I ask u something?

She looked at him ready to hear what he has to say.

Sunghoon: Tomorrow is Sunday so r u free tomorrow?

Y/n: Uh maybe from 10am to 7:00 pm ...I will be working ....why?

Sunghoon: Um Nevermind...

Y/n: Just say it ...don't hesitate

It was evident in his eyes that he wanted to say something.

Sunghoon: I have a place to take u with u wanna go?

Y/n smiled "yes surely"

Sunghoon: Then after work I will be picking u up , ok?

Y/n: Okay

Tonight it will be a peaceful sleep.
Hugging each other to sleep was new but it felt comfortable to both of them.

Next day
7:00 am

Y/n was carefully getting up from her bed without disturbing her husband, who is sleeping beside her.

Sunghoon in a husky voice " where r u going?"

Y/n: I-Im going to get ready
She was startled hearing his voice .... Super attractive.

Sunghoon: Don't leave me ..

Y/n laughed.." I am not leaving u hoon "

"I will be missing you, babe", Sunghoon said still closing his eyes.

Y/n was hugged by him and y/n had nothing to do other than removing his hands.

Y/n: I need to g-go

She was stuttering because this was too new for her.

Sunghoon: Please let me hold u ...

Y/n: Uh get up now... I don't have time to waste...

Sunghoon opened his eyes looking at y/n..
I want to hold u in my arms forever darling...

Y/n patted his head saying " Wanna make breakfast together?"

Sunghoon nodded with a smile...

Getting up from the bed y/n went straight to the washroom....
After 15 mins she came out looking at Sunghoon all ready ...
Y/n was surprised " how?"

Sunghoon: The spare washroom... *Cute smile*

Y/n in her mind: cute

Both of them went to the kitchen preparing breakfast since maid will be coming at noon.

Y/n: I am almost done preparing the food... U can call them... I need to go somewhere so hurry up.

Sunghoon was watching her busy in preparing the table .... He nodded and went to call Jimin and Jennie.

Fate: Why Me? | Park SunghoonWhere stories live. Discover now