Chapter 29

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Y/n was in her office, she was preparing herself for meeting jungwon.

Yesterday, he called her to inform about his arrival today.

Lisa and y/n both decided to meet him together at the cafe .

Y/n was startled when she heard the door creaked.
Y/n: Aish!

Lisa: Haha sorry , let's go ?
Lisa was excited too , because long time after she was gonna meet him and moreover she can leave Seoul early...

Y/n : Ya let's gaurrr!!

At the cafe

Jungwon was waiting for the girls.
Y/n: Waiting?

Lisa: sorry, I had a schedule so we r late

Jungwon: It's absolutely okay.

Lisa: Ur mission is complete successfully?

Jungwon's mission is a continuous one.
It has no endpoint but he gets break between them to meet his friends and family.

Jungwon: Yes , and new missions are in line also.

Y/n: So , when will it end?

Jungwon: I don't have any idea.

Y/n: Btw Jennie was sad knowing that you will come today when she is not here..hehe

Jungwon smiled at her " Oh really?"

Lisa: Btw i think you don't know Jennie is pregnant

Jungwon: What?! Wow!! What about her mood swings?

Lisa: Ask y/n , she knows

Y/n: She is good for now, but later it may change...who knows....

Jungwon: Now I am waiting to meet her.

They all laughed like there is no tomorrow.

Jungwon: Btw how are you and Sunghoon going?

This dropped the atmosphere.
Y/n stopped smiling, she froze

Lisa: Ah skip this topic now

Y/n: I don't think we r doing well

Jungwon: I hope everything goes well

Y/n nodded.

It's not like jungwon has stopped loving her but he wants the best for her. Y/n was his first love and will be his forever love but he will keep it to himself.
He knew that his profession is unsafe for y/n, so he never really tried to propose her .
And now she is married, he had no rights to break that .

Time skip
It was noon time

Sunghoon was contemplating whether to call y/n or not .
She said to leave her alone
But I can't leave u alone
Not one day can go away without thinking about you , love

He failed to bring up his courage , decided not to call her for now.

Days went harsh for both of them . Y/n didn't even visit Sunghoon once and Sunghoon didn't even feel to call her after that day.

Lisa was in her holidays and Jennie messaged them that they will be coming the next day.

The panick they felt when they read the message was beyond imagination.

Y/n was waiting in the airport for picking up Jennie and Jimin and parents.

But where is Sunghoon? Shouldn't be be here with her?

Jennie spotted y/n at once and came running to hug her.
" Y/n-ieee I missed you "

Y/n laughed, " Don't worry now, I am here."

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